Sunday, May 14, 2023

Sunday Post





Happy Mother's Day!

This week I went to I went to writers group on Saturday. Every other week this group meets at a different library. The group writes in silence for 20 minutes, and then everyone reads their work aloud.  The prompt word was slant. Writers wrote:
The slant in their homes
the slant in their relationships
the slant in their fantasy characters.
East Lake Library

I've been learning a bit of Portuguese and Spanish. People love when I come into voice language rooms  (online )to practice language with them because Ibring my laughter with me, and some are entertained by my witchy cackle.  

 I didn't know languages like Portuguese and Spanish had so many words in common.  I also found out Portuguese is one of the many romance languages, along with French, Italian, Spanish and Romanian.  

This week, I also got tamales from the local market.

Lastly, I did Zumba every day this week at local YMCA's. One of our instructors will be out due to knee surgery, so we asked to sign a petition for another dance instructor's approval to join, because she's in high demand apparently.  I often think of teaching zumba one day, I think it would be so much fun.

Here is our most recent improv performance by Spaghetti Heroes Troop, taught by Vinny Francois






  1. I don't think it's impossibly hard to become a zumba teacher. You should pursue it!

    My brother-in-law learned Spanish and Italian and French easily, but he says Portuguese is HARD!

  2. I wish I'd taken a language earlier in life. Thats awesome.
    Lessons in Chemistry was a good book!

    1. I became really impressed when this guy said that he lives in london but bought a home in portugual to fly down to during winter months and thats why he's learning the language. Homes in Portugual are probably more affordable than in say for instance, California.

  3. Sounds like a good week! You should totally do the Zumba instructor thing. Back when step aerobics was a thing, I was taking a class and one of our instructors had to take a break for something and they asked me to fill in. So I taught that for a few months. Lessons in Chemistry sounds good! I wish I had a writers group like that. Or time for one I guess. Have a good week!

    1. Yes, it's a great thing to have a few things on my book list.

  4. It looks like you have so much going on. Learning other languages is fun and interesting to do. Teaching Zumba sounds like fun. Lessons in Chemistry looks like a good book. I have it on my wishlist. Hope you have a great week!

    1. Thanks Yvonne. One thing about learning languages is that it gives you perspective on any other challenge you may be dealing with.

  5. I've never tried Zumba but my brother in law and his wife went every week. I took German in school but the only word I remember is Bahnhof which means train station. I don't know why that's the one word I would remember :)

    I enjoyed Crying In H Mart.

    1. I remember a lot of spanish from highschool and I'm hoping that will help me with portugueese.

  6. I hope you had a nice Mother's Day.




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