Friday, April 1, 2022

Sunday Post



The Sunday Post is a blog news meme hosted here @ Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things we have received. Share news about what is coming up on your blog for the week ahead. Join in weekly, bi-weekly or for a monthly wrap up. See rules here: Sunday Post Meme

           LOOKING FORWARD TO may

This week has been pretty eventful.  I've done quite a few improv sessions on ZOOM. And I took my car to the shop thinking there was something wrong with the brakes and after two hours of sitting in the shop with a rambunctious five year old, I learned there was nothing to be fixed on my Toyota Camry.  I also started planning a few more theater events and hope to ease my way into the scene more as some personal struggles have finally lifted.
Oh, I also went to the dentist. These days, the only way I can be seen by my dentist is if I tell receptionists I have a cavity. Which may be a nice trick for those of you who have had trouble being seen by a dentist.

 More fun ride-share stories below

Readers please comment below



  1. That nurse's story is heartbreaking. I'm so glad she's come to terms with building a new normal.

    1. Yes, nursing work can be grueling on your back.

  2. You are listening ears for some amazing stories.

    Glad to hear your car was okay.

    1. Thanks Deb . All great stories help me remember my clients even more.

  3. You have to be in pain to get an appointment with a dentist near me. They still aren't doing normal check-up appointments, I'm not sure why because everything else in the UK has pretty much returned to normal.

    You meet some really interesting people in your car. The lady sounds amazing, turning a negative situation into something positive.

    1. I'm wondering if everyone is catching up with all the dental visits they missed in the last two years.

  4. We're having no problem visiting the dentist where I live, I wonder why other places are, maybe COVID?

    I bet you hear all kinds of stories during your rideshare time. Glad the RN is doing better!

  5. You hear so many interesting stories. We haven't had any problems getting regular dental appointments here. I hope you have a great week!

  6. At least the repair shop didn't try to charge you for something that you didn't need.

    1. Yes indeed Mary, I even met a mobile mechanic who agrees to help me some time (while I drove ride-share this week)




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