
Friday, February 8, 2019

Brittni Chenille #amreading #amjoy

Britti Chenille is with me this morning to talk about herself and her new book.


 1. She lives in South Korea. It's true. She does most of her updates in the morning or at night to account for the time difference. She also infuses most of her novels with her observations about Korean culture. 
 2. She's a Type 1 Diabetic. She uses an insulin pump for survival and refers to her diabetes as "Beetie" which is what inspired her children's book "Life with Beetie". When she wants something from her parents she tells them, "My Beetie hurts." It's a trick that has never failed her. 
 3. She doesn't really BELIEVE in fiction. Despite all the; Dragons, Elves, and Magic present in her novel "Involuted the Tale of the Red Ribbon Tree", Brittni INSISTS that it's a true story. 
 4. She's OBSESSED with dark chocolate. She made me put that in and would also like me to inform you (on an unrelated note) that her birthday is in May.
5. Sorry guys, she's married. If you ask her, she'll tell you her husband saved her life but every time someone asks "how?" she gives a different reason. I've overheard her give about 4 different reasons, but I bet she has more. He must be an amazing guy.

What makes your main character special?
 She has no idea who she is or what she is capable of. Her sense of self is earned throughout the trials she faces. Her first impressions of every character she encounters is wrong and that goes for her impression of herself. 

If you could drop in on a book you read as a kid which book is it?

 Harry Potter. They could use a bit of diversity at Hogwarts. 

What is the hardest thing about writing your current book?

 Crippling self-doubt. 

What were you like in high school?
In high school, I was a barrel of contradictions. I was the captain of the varsity basketball team but hung out with the "goth" kids. I admired the theater kids most of all. I never felt like I really belonged anywhere as most kids feel at that age. 


Do you find feedback from writers’ critiques helpful?
ABSOLUTELY. Critiques are amazingly helpful. I definitely learn and grow from criticism. It's one of the reason editing is my favorite step in the process, HOWEVER, that doesn't mean I don't cry myself to sleep whenever I get a bad review. ;) 

Book trailer (above) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j4MVpsLZEt4

Links to reach Brittni:


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