Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Organize your writing

 I love this site I found that helps with organizing your writing by Melissa Donovan

I’ve struggled with how to organize my electronic writing folder. For some reason, printed materials are easier to group and label. By using subfolders, I’ve been able to create navigable directories that make it easy to find anything and everything I’ve written.
Here are the sub-directories I’ve created in my “Writing” folder:
  • Notes and Ideas: Notes on the craft of writing and random ideas that don’t fit anywhere else.
  • Templates and worksheets: Blank character sketches or world-building worksheets as well as story-writing guides, like the Hero’s Journey.
  • Completed Works: Pieces that are ready to be sent out or published.
  • In Progress: anything that is not polished, with the following sub-folders:
    • Fiction
    • Poetry
    • Non-fiction
    • Scripts
  • Journals and Freewrites: pretty self-explanatory.
  • Feedback: feedback and critiques that I have given and received.
  • Submissions: copies of work that I’ve submitted along with a spreadsheet for tracking submissions.
  • Research for Writing Projects: information that I’ve found online and have saved because I think it might come in handy someday for one of my projects. Now that I use Evernote to clip material from the web, this folder has become an archive.
I reorganize this whole mess about once a year. I just went through it a couple of weeks ago and did a little clean-up, and I found that this system works well for keeping files where I can find them quickly and easily.
Tell me, how do you keep your writing files organized? Share your organizational writing tips in the comments!


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