What makes a messy kitchen? Well, Culinary Arts College helped me find out. Listed on this webssite are great Parisian Food Blogs.
www.doriegreenspan.com Dorie writes a great Gingerbread baby recipe.This blog obviously explores the Parisian kitchen. You begin to wander what makes a parisian kitchen, brass cooking pans for one, as is suggested on her cover page.
www.bakeinparis.blogspot.com Kris writes a blog all about Parisian food and he has layered cakes as well as lemon cheese cake with caramelized cumquats, and orange tian, (of course french Tiramisu), chocolate and passion fruit lamingtons, caramel cake with caramelized butter frosting and Dobos Torta.There's something about layered cakes that I love. I don't care what's in between the layers as long as it isn't a surprise like some cakes that hide the flavoring right in the middle so that you don't know what your getting into by the time you get there. Like a big gush of blueberry in the middle of a cake, no thanks!