"The Journal of Dora Damage:A Novel" by Belinda Starling. Finding this book at a bookstore is difficult enough, Barnes
and Noble does not carry it on their shelves, but just imagine trying to find
it in a library. I went clear across
town to St. Paul library,in Minnesota borrowing it under a
pseudo name, because I didn't have book barrowing privileges considering that I
didn't live in Saint Paul . (Just kidding,-a friend of mine barrowed it
under her St. Paul
library card).
When Dora Damages' husband
becomes sick, it will be up to her to continue her husband's book binding business,
at a time when women didn't commonly work, and they certainly did not run
businesses. This would prove to be a
difficult task for Damage. Nevertheless, Damage takes it upon herself to uphold the
The whole process of finding and locating this book made me appreciate the novel and its contents even more. The novel introduces the subject of book binding and its value in the nineteenth century. This seems interesting enough, but what was even more interesting is that a lot of book collectors, during that time, chose to bind books whose contents delved into erotic fantasy:bizarreeeeee. (The Global Dig)