Tuesday, April 14, 2015
Jewelry Heist
Short Story
Never to attempt a burglary before, he strapped his head with duck tape over his black ski mask. "Now it should stay in place,"he said to his cat who meowed and purred between his legs. He was dared for the first time ever to be part of a jewelry heist. This would be one of a kind;the gangsters of Hitcombe Bottom comprised of four men, four friends from the same private school who later gone to Oxford together and even graduated as business majors. But when their business went down the toilet they had it in their mind to do something else. Ralph was to meet Billy Bob and two others at midnight at Desmond Diamonds on the third floor where they would stop the elevator and climb down the rope inside the elevator's shaft. They'd drill a hole and make two trips through the store through the entirety of the holiday weekend in order to pull off heist London would ever see.