
Sunday, July 24, 2022

Interview with Curvee B #MNfringe

photo of Curvee


Karaoke meets improvisational burlesque at this year's Minnesota Fringe Festival.  Audience members will have the chance to sing their favorite songs, along with a rotating cast of burlesque performers as they try and make it sexy. 

I have with me Curvee B, a burlesque performer and producer.

Curvee B, how did you get your start in burlesque?

In 2018, I was looking for a new activity that complemented the body positivity journey I was on. As a fan of personal growth work, I believe in stepping outside of my comfort zone and found burlesque offered a supportive space to bring these things together. I started taking classes at Minnsky Theater and later The Rose Academy of Burlesque. In August 2019, I competed and won Nudie Newbies, a local burlesque competition show. In the fall of 2021, I leveraged my background in project management and passion for making more spaces available for individuals to perform and started co-producing a monthly cabaret show: TC Cabaret. And now, here I am producing my dream show: Karaoke After Dark, with Orthogonal Productions.


What inspires your own burlesque performances?

When I begin putting together a new act, yes, music, costumes and choreography are the tools I use, though the inspiration comes from creating pieces that celebrate my body. As someone who never thought a body like mine deserved to be seen, let alone shine on a stage, I am challenging those old scripts about what I/society thought me and my body could do. I’m reclaiming my space and transforming it into a powerful and positive force. It’s also important for me to feel like it’s making a difference. I’m hopeful that others can feel inspired to do things that step them outside of their comfort zone, encourage them to grow and bring them joy.


How does it feel to have live audiences and theater back?

As a self-declared extrovert (okay, other people know it too), I am thrilled to be back on stage. It’s also been enjoyable to be an audience member and support talented individuals and their art. Creating memorable experiences together is life-giving and live theater offers a unique experience you can’t find anywhere else.


This show is a mixture of karaoke and burlesque, can you give us some songs you will be performing or talk about themes?(correct me if I’m wrong)

This show combines three of my favorite things. Karaoke, Burlesque, and Improv. How do those things work together? Well, let me tell you. 


Karaoke. At each show audience members will sign-up to sing a karaoke song of their choice (from the curated list of 100+ songs). They will be on stage, have a rockstar mic, karaoke lyrics at their fingertips, and will perform vocally while the burlesque performers make it sexy. 


The karaoke list has songs that meet the criteria of being an excellent karaoke song, are fun to burlesque to, and work within the length of the show. While most karaoke lists are broken down by song, artist, or genre, we leveled it up with some pretty fun categories. There are too many to share here, so you’ll have to come and see what we have selected! With that said, here are my top 4 categories:

  1. “What Are You Wearing?” only makes sense to have since the burlesque performers will be taking theirs off. Songs like: “These Boots Are Made For Walking” and “Thong Song”.

  2. In “Dating Apps Made Me Do It” we have the breakup songs everyone needs. Songs like: “I Will Survive” and “Bye, Bye, Bye”.

  3. “Body Positive AF” songs are to remind you of the awesome human you are. Songs like: “All About That Bass” and “Juice”.

  4. “Sorry (not sorry)” are those songs that sound like apologies, but, we all know they really aren’t. Songs like, “Oops, I Did It Again” and “It Wasn’t Me”


Burlesque. Each night has a star-studded rotating cast of 6 performers from the Twin Cities and St. Cloud area. So, you’ll definitely want to be there to see ALL of their talents. *wink*


Improv. The burlesque performers will not know what karaoke song they are performing to until they hit the stage. Their outfits range from classic gowns and boas to nerdy and kitschy costumes. No matter what the song, they will make their outfits work. Each performer is excited to embrace the artistry of creating a live theater moment that feels authentic, inspired, sexy, and fun. 


What do you hope the audience will take away from this performance?

Ultimately, I want them to feel like they’ve had a fun, sexy, and memorable evening. For the audience members who don’t sing, I want them to feel like they are part of a unique experience made just for them. For the audience members who sing, I want them to feel supported and empowered to be their rockstar selves on the karaoke mic. It’s important to create an inclusive and supportive environment. If even one person comes away from the show inspired to begin doing karaoke, burlesque, chair, dance, or improv, I will be happy. It takes courage to perform, period and I want everyone to feel like a star!


What is the funnest thing about the Fringe Festival so far?

The excitement of creating a really unique experience, booking such an amazing cast of talented performers, and feeling the anticipation build to see what stage magic will be created at each show. 


Do you have any upcoming performances?(outside the fringe)

Yes. I am co-producer of TC Cabaret. Our show is at the Brass Rail on the first Friday of the month. Each month we book an inclusive and diverse cast of performers who perform burlesque, drag, pole, dance, sing, and more, from the Twin Cities area and beyond. Check out @tccabaret and @curvee_b_burlesque on Instagram.

Contact Curvee B
Instagram: @curvee_b_burlesque 
Facebook: Curvee Bea

Come see the show @ the UofM Rarig Arena
Aug 4, 6, 9, 13, and 14
(18+ only)
Tickets and additional information at:

Friday, July 22, 2022

Shoe Night by EnCompass Theatre #MNfringe


A chat with the cast of Shoe Night on this years Minnesota Fringe Festival.

How does it feel to have live audiences and theater back?

  •  It feels amazing! It’s like I’m a fish back in water after a long time on shore. - William Edson/Actor

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Sunday Post @kimbacaffeinate #sunday post, , #minnskytheater

Re-post from 2019

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted  @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things  received. Share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead. See rules here: Sunday Post Meme


I had a great week. I started juicing.  I guess I indulged too much in October, around my birthday, and wanted to lose a few pounds so I started on fruit juices. Any kind really; orange, pineapple, apples even star kiss fruit.  

I also started driving for Grub Hub and that's pretty much all I did yesterday.  It's actually quite addicting.  Much like Uber, you pick up food for one customer and then the next customer and then the next and all the while you're calculating your pay and tips and shooting for goals, and then the night is over.  Yesterday, was a high demand day so I got an extra $2.75 per customer. Needless to say, it was fun.

I also went to see a cabaret at Minnsky theater. (The picture above is from all the cast members) It was a Star Wars themed. So it had droids and space ships, dancing and a wide variety of costumes. I'm hoping to interview a member of the cabaret later this week so stay tuned.


Reading:  Jane Doe, by Victoria Helen Stone, (thriller) Tell me Three Things by Julie Buxbaum (YA)

Listening:Clockwork Century (Sci-fi) by Cherie Priest 

Watching: My Brilliant Friend


What Happened:

(Not a whole lot so I'll talk about last week)

Saturday: Weekend Warriors

Sunday: The Sunday Post

Up Coming:
Sunday:Weekend Warriors and Sunday Post 

Readers if you want to comment, please do so below.

Picture from my Grub Hub trip

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Sunday post



 The Sunday Post is a blog news meme hosted here @ Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things we have received. Share news about what is coming up on your blog for the week ahead. Join in weekly, bi-weekly or for a monthly wrap up. See rules here: Sunday Post Meme



Downtown St Paul, skyline
This week I went to the Fringe Festival and saw quite a few shows and met up with some old and new friends. 

Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Sunday post



 The Sunday Post is a blog news meme hosted here @ Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things we have received. Share news about what is coming up on your blog for the week ahead. Join in weekly, bi-weekly or for a monthly wrap up. See rules here: Sunday Post Meme



This week I planned for my trip to Philly for an improv retreat and connected with some people who will be in my cabin. You can't imagine how close you feel to people who do improv so meeting a few in person will be like the cream on the cake!

I took a pic of this bus advertisement because it reminded me of my friend's mom

Ate this chocolates while writing this post

 I also found a swim pool near my home to take my son. Yesterday, my son was at the playground and the rain clouds started rolling in.  We raced home and made it before the  drops fell(so grateful).

I also made it to Five Below and bought some five pound weights and incense and a few random things.  I was going to try and make it to Bath and Body to get some Lavender perfume because I guess it's an aroma that people really love but I may just have to buy it online.

My son and I got pizza near Phoenix Theater this week

Upcoming Fringe Shows

By Ripped Nylons Productions
8-15th(theater in the Round)

Readers please comment below



I went to Barnes and Noble to get some inspiration (unbearable heat this week)

I came across this Stephen Hawking book, "A Life From the Beginning to End". A lot of physicists look at him as average but most recognize that they didn't have to do great work while also juggling the task of a voice synthesizer.

Monday, July 4, 2022

Sunday Post #amwriting





I thought I'd share some more fun ride-share stories I've heard.

Extreme Habits

An extreme habit that my ride-share client told me about is a friend of hers who is about to get married -he goes to the gym straight after dinner and exercises for 2 1/2 hours and during the day he only eats one meal and drinks 1 gallon of water.

Some other habits I’ve heard are people who never sit down at work and will have a standing keyboard at the desk.

I know I manager who invites all of her employees to come and do kickboxing with her during their lunch break and encourages Yoga at work as well.

Awkward conversation starters

“Are you a mechanic?”

“No , why?”

“Because you’ve got a snowsuit on. “

“No, I just like staying warm,” says my ride-share client.

Then there’s the times where I point something out on the road and I get radio silence like this time:

“It says on his bumper sticker ‘ I’m not a 👮‍♂️ cop.’

And my ride-share client says “oh yeah (and then silence)

"I just thought it was kind of funny because his car looks like a cop car”( a former cop car, a crown Victoria, black and white)

Usually I get in my head and think shit why did I say that to my ride-share client?

But you can't beat the awkwardness like this next thing that happened. 

 My client said this to his female companion when she asked him “Do you wanna get in the hot tub-it’s upstairs?”

And he said, “No, I don’t like hot tubs.”

Then he kicked himself because he didn't realize that it was a hint for a date.

(Like a George Costanza moment when The date asks him up for coffee)

“ I should’ve known!” 🤔 he said, “Who turns down an offer to get in a hot tub with a beautiful 😻 woman?!”

(But these days I don’t overthink what I say to ride-share clients because of improv- most of my thoughts after an awkward conversation go back to the improv scene that I had the previous night)

That's my week. Tell me about yours in the comments below.


I started reading "The Duke and I," and began noticing the difference with the TV series. And what I find different is the discussion with the maids and some of the interactions with the enemies in the show do not come off nearly as brute in the book.
I picked up this YA chic lit, because the synopsis sounds great and you have to love that cover. Synopsis Girl meets boy. Girl likes boy.Girl gets friend to help win boy.Friend ends up with crush on boy..

The Rebound Synopsis: She’s feeling all out of luck. Until the first person she meets after she touches down is an absurdly hot guy called Luke, who offers her a lift home. Gazing deep into his sparkling emerald-green eyes, Abby knows instantly that he’s exactly what she needs to take her mind off everything. The perfect rebound.


It’s a flawless plan. Until the next day, when Abby realizes who he actually is. Not just a stranger. He is, in fact, Luke Bailey, aka the boy next door. Luke Bailey who—so help her God—she’s pretty sure she once shared baths with, back when they were kids. Not that she can allow herself to imagine him in a bath now, not without blushing from head to foot.

Sunday Blog post



 The Sunday Post is a blog news meme hosted here @ Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things we have received. Share news about what is coming up on your blog for the week ahead. Join in weekly, bi-weekly or for a monthly wrap up. See rules here: Sunday Post Meme



This week went fast. I wrote some comedy sketches. I usually take  two hours in the week to stop and make time for this. 

Sunday, July 3, 2022

Sunday Blog Post


The Sunday Post is a blog news meme hosted here @ Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things we have received. Share news about what is coming up on your blog for the week ahead. Join in weekly, bi-weekly or for a monthly wrap up. See rules here: Sunday Post Meme



This week I took my son swimming at St.Croix.  They were having a carnival the same day for independence day.  I unleashed a few of my sketches for actors to read.  I also tried this new cookie place near my home called Crumbl.

I drove on a Friday night for ride-share. I haven't been driving in the night as much, and I remember one downfall is that there are no restaurants or bathrooms open.  I had to use an outhouse near Target and a guy was screaming in the parking lot. It was fun to see a bartender put two drunk individuals in my car, and the woman leans over to kiss the guy and the guy is like "Hey, you have a boyfriend!" And the girl is like "Hey, you have a girlfriend." 

And then I saw a car overheating with smoke coming out of the engine and the guy keeps driving, although faster.

(A mural near Target in Minneapolis)

A sketch show I performed in with link below

Upcoming Shows

 Classical Actors Ensemble is back in Twin Cities parks and downtown Minneapolis for their eighth summer to present a new production of Love’s Labor’s Lost
Here are a few of their upcoming performances although they perform several times every week till July 17

Thursday, July 7, 7 p.m.: Tony Schmidt Park, 3500 Lake Johanna Blvd, Arden Hills

Friday, July 8, 7 p.m.: Newell Park, 900 Fairview Ave N, St Paul

Saturday, July 9, 7 p.m.: Lake of the Isles, Newton Ave. S. and W. Lake of the Isles Pkwy, Minneapolis

Readers please comment below





Friday, July 1, 2022

Sunday post


 The Sunday Post is a blog news meme hosted here @ Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things we have received. Share news about what is coming up on your blog for the week ahead. Join in weekly, bi-weekly or for a monthly wrap up. See rules here: Sunday Post Meme



This week was pretty chill. I went shopping and did some sketch comedy writing.Here has been my process thus far, record me talking about tv comedy I watched like Seinfeld and what worked. Then going back and thinking about improv scenes I was in and commenting.  And then hand writing some sketches.
Our comedy group