
Monday, July 4, 2022

Sunday Blog post



 The Sunday Post is a blog news meme hosted here @ Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things we have received. Share news about what is coming up on your blog for the week ahead. Join in weekly, bi-weekly or for a monthly wrap up. See rules here: Sunday Post Meme



This week went fast. I wrote some comedy sketches. I usually take  two hours in the week to stop and make time for this. 

I went shopping for some shirts at the thrift shop. I also started shopping on a site called Shein.  The site ships from China and I got some skirts, and this cute renaissance belt.  (very affordable:)

I bought my son a Huggy Wuggy from Amazon, and when he got it it was in a  space saver bag, but it was so air tight I could barely recognize the stuffed Wuggy and wondered if it could possibly be in there, but rest assured it was (picture below).

Upcoming Fringe Festival Shows

Shoe Night @MN Fringe Festival, Theatre in the Round, August 5-14

The Witchy World of Luna Muse @MN Fringe Festival August 4th

Readers please comment below



I'm in Love with Sarah Hogle after this novel.  She really knows how to write an emotionally intelligent character and one with flaws. In this one, a character was catfished by her best friend who she works with at a hotel (both females) and the picture of the male she uses to catfish is actually someone whom the protagonist will later fall for and boy does that guy have anxiety! I just couldn't get enough.  I loved the setting of the hotel and the secret hiding spots. It reminded me of hide-and see games I used to play with my brothers.

Things We Never got Over was my second fav this week.  I usually love more softer chic lit but I did like how the protagonist has to rescue the daughter of her twin sister and I love how the male romantic interest was pretty rough around the edges sometimes downright insulting the heroine as he also showers her with gifts because get this! He's got some money stashed away. So much to love about this novel.


  1. I look finding a good bargain too Trin! I have read books from Sarah Hogle before but I haven’t read this one yet. I hope you have a wonderful week ahead.

    1. Thanks Happy Reader. Yeah, finding the time to read is a must. I like to think it helps my sketch writing somehow even if its a completely different genre.

  2. I still want to read Twice Shy. And I read my first Lucy Score book, or listened to it this summer and really enjoyed it! I need to see if Shein is good with plus size clothes. I'm having so much trouble finding anything at regular stores these days other than the same few things and colors. Thanks for visiting my post earlier!

