
Monday, July 4, 2022

Sunday Post #amwriting





I thought I'd share some more fun ride-share stories I've heard.

Extreme Habits

An extreme habit that my ride-share client told me about is a friend of hers who is about to get married -he goes to the gym straight after dinner and exercises for 2 1/2 hours and during the day he only eats one meal and drinks 1 gallon of water.

Some other habits I’ve heard are people who never sit down at work and will have a standing keyboard at the desk.

I know I manager who invites all of her employees to come and do kickboxing with her during their lunch break and encourages Yoga at work as well.

Awkward conversation starters

“Are you a mechanic?”

“No , why?”

“Because you’ve got a snowsuit on. “

“No, I just like staying warm,” says my ride-share client.

Then there’s the times where I point something out on the road and I get radio silence like this time:

“It says on his bumper sticker ‘ I’m not a 👮‍♂️ cop.’

And my ride-share client says “oh yeah (and then silence)

"I just thought it was kind of funny because his car looks like a cop car”( a former cop car, a crown Victoria, black and white)

Usually I get in my head and think shit why did I say that to my ride-share client?

But you can't beat the awkwardness like this next thing that happened. 

 My client said this to his female companion when she asked him “Do you wanna get in the hot tub-it’s upstairs?”

And he said, “No, I don’t like hot tubs.”

Then he kicked himself because he didn't realize that it was a hint for a date.

(Like a George Costanza moment when The date asks him up for coffee)

“ I should’ve known!” 🤔 he said, “Who turns down an offer to get in a hot tub with a beautiful 😻 woman?!”

(But these days I don’t overthink what I say to ride-share clients because of improv- most of my thoughts after an awkward conversation go back to the improv scene that I had the previous night)

That's my week. Tell me about yours in the comments below.


I started reading "The Duke and I," and began noticing the difference with the TV series. And what I find different is the discussion with the maids and some of the interactions with the enemies in the show do not come off nearly as brute in the book.
I picked up this YA chic lit, because the synopsis sounds great and you have to love that cover. Synopsis Girl meets boy. Girl likes boy.Girl gets friend to help win boy.Friend ends up with crush on boy..

The Rebound Synopsis: She’s feeling all out of luck. Until the first person she meets after she touches down is an absurdly hot guy called Luke, who offers her a lift home. Gazing deep into his sparkling emerald-green eyes, Abby knows instantly that he’s exactly what she needs to take her mind off everything. The perfect rebound.


It’s a flawless plan. Until the next day, when Abby realizes who he actually is. Not just a stranger. He is, in fact, Luke Bailey, aka the boy next door. Luke Bailey who—so help her God—she’s pretty sure she once shared baths with, back when they were kids. Not that she can allow herself to imagine him in a bath now, not without blushing from head to foot.


  1. Sounds like a lot of your ride share experiences work into your improv pretty well.

    1. Believe me they do. I remember doing an improv scene about backseat drivers (there are plenty!) and this guy in the scene pretended to be a fellow taxi driver and I did a wave to him. The opportunities to do ride-share scenes are boundless and I'm more than happy to try them out.

  2. Most awkward conversations I have are with people I'll not speak to again - so I try not to get to bothered by them. However if it's with someone I know I then get all weird and try to over explain myself. Sometimes the less said the better😂 . The Rebound sounds great - I hope you enjoy it.

    1. It's tough to get over those awkward moments but its so important to try to laugh it off in the moment and change the conversation (I find)

  3. It always sounds like you have so many interesting conversations.

    I want to read the Bridgerton series and see it on Netflix. I haven't had a chance yet.

    Hope you have a great week!

  4. Hm, I guess as they say there is a pot for every lid, cause that sort of self denial doesn’t seem healthy to me.
    I’m looking forward to season 2 of Bridgerton.

    Wishing you a great reading week

  5. The Rebound has a fun cover. I hope you enjoy it!

    Improv sounds like it has improved your life. I think it's fun that you don't overthink what you say.

  6. Maybe if I was younger and had lots of energy I could stand all day at work again. Not now.

