
Friday, July 1, 2022

Sunday post


 The Sunday Post is a blog news meme hosted here @ Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things we have received. Share news about what is coming up on your blog for the week ahead. Join in weekly, bi-weekly or for a monthly wrap up. See rules here: Sunday Post Meme



This week was pretty chill. I went shopping and did some sketch comedy writing.Here has been my process thus far, record me talking about tv comedy I watched like Seinfeld and what worked. Then going back and thinking about improv scenes I was in and commenting.  And then hand writing some sketches.
Our comedy group

  I took a few people to the airport this week.
The weather was very hot and then Saturday it rained, (bringing down the temp a bit).  It was my brother's 40th birthday.  
I got a bit dehydrated this week and spent a lot of time drinking water and getting better. I remember telling one of my clients that in my early twenties I used to drink coffee all day (at Caribou where I worked) and I would be hyper all day and laughing like a banshee.

Readers please comment below



I'm liking this novel that flashbacks to the protagonist' celebrity crush and her love for California and how she explains it's more than just Hollywood.  And  describes beautiful states like Montana.


  1. I think that might be a sloth. They are very funny looking, and the images make this one look kind of goofy. In fact they are rather highly adapted to living in trees and leading a slothful life!

    best... mae at

    1. I love animals. My son and I play "Guess the Animal" and he always goes for giraffes.

  2. Dehydration is pretty serious, glad you're doing better, be sure to have water with you at all times while you're on the road.

    1. Thanks Karen.sometimes my ride share clients will Buy me some water if they’re at the liquor store or the gas station it’s pretty nice.

  3. My swim teacher started feeling a little nauseous on Saturday while teaching a class and she retreated to the shade for a bit. We can't be too careful.

    Good luck with your writing!

    1. Yes, it's very serious. You'll be shocked how much water we need just to function. Its a balance between coffee and water for sure.

  4. Keep cool and hydrated. I wish it would rain here. We have had high temps and full sun. It's not too humid (relatively speaking) though. Good luck with the writing. Must be challenging but rewarding if you come up with something funny. I loved Funny You Should Ask. I am trash for second chance romances, and I was fully engrossed in their story. Their journey back to each other touched my heart too

    1. I have never heard of Funny you should ask. I like Parks and are as well.

  5. Isn't it crazy to think of what we used to drink all the time? When I was younger I rarely just drank water. It was all milk and soda and juice. No idea how I'm still alive, lol! Funny You Should Ask is on my TBR, glad to hear you're enjoying it! Thanks for visiting my Sunday post earlier!

    1. Yeah…I’m trying to get my son on the water 💧 kick early(hope it takes)

  6. I think many of us are drinking alot of water these days. Your books look really good. I want to read The Paris Library. Hope you have a good week.

    1. Thanks Yvonne.. I keep stocking up on water and storing it all in the car. It helps for long journeys.

