
Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Sunday post



 The Sunday Post is a blog news meme hosted here @ Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things we have received. Share news about what is coming up on your blog for the week ahead. Join in weekly, bi-weekly or for a monthly wrap up. See rules here: Sunday Post Meme



This week I planned for my trip to Philly for an improv retreat and connected with some people who will be in my cabin. You can't imagine how close you feel to people who do improv so meeting a few in person will be like the cream on the cake!

I took a pic of this bus advertisement because it reminded me of my friend's mom

Ate this chocolates while writing this post

 I also found a swim pool near my home to take my son. Yesterday, my son was at the playground and the rain clouds started rolling in.  We raced home and made it before the  drops fell(so grateful).

I also made it to Five Below and bought some five pound weights and incense and a few random things.  I was going to try and make it to Bath and Body to get some Lavender perfume because I guess it's an aroma that people really love but I may just have to buy it online.

My son and I got pizza near Phoenix Theater this week

Upcoming Fringe Shows

By Ripped Nylons Productions
8-15th(theater in the Round)

Readers please comment below



I went to Barnes and Noble to get some inspiration (unbearable heat this week)

I came across this Stephen Hawking book, "A Life From the Beginning to End". A lot of physicists look at him as average but most recognize that they didn't have to do great work while also juggling the task of a voice synthesizer.


  1. I used to love to take my kids swimming, my younger son ended up working as a swim instructor and lifeguard when he was in high school.

    1. Oh you must be so proud of your son. Glad he loves swimming so much:)

  2. We had to get out of the pool twice yesterday because the lifeguards heard thunder. Ah, better safe than sorry!

    Hope you enjoy your week!

    1. Glad other people have the same idea about swimming. It's a wonder how the weather can break up a good time, but still fun to watch.

  3. Oh I loved those swimming days with my son when he was young! I hope you have a great trip to Philly and a wonderful week ahead.

    1. Thanks Jodie. My son really loves it! Mostly the floating inner tube stuff.

  4. Have a great trip! It sounds like fun.

  5. I used to take my daughter to the swimming pool back when it was open here at our apartment complex.

  6. I have a lavender perfume - I think it's from Philosophy? - and I get compliments all the time. Hoping to pick up some lavender lotion while I'm out today. I find it so soothing.

