
Saturday, January 29, 2022

Lake Nokomis and Ice Castles in New Brighton #amwriting



The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted  @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things  received. Share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead. See rules here: Sunday Post Meme


Last Sunday I went to see an ice castle in New Brighton. I had to sign a waiver, because they didn't want patrons to touch the icicles. I guess ice castles are made by crisscrossing-wire racks hoisted on tall wooden legs – they look like horizontal chainlink fences. Water is sprayed over the top and, icicles form below like stalactites, which can be harvested and fused into the formations.  The ideal weather is -10 degrees.  

In Minnesota, we have plenty of -10 degree weather, but we have had a few nice days until it drops twenty degrees (then its back to survival mode).

Latin's on Ice (Improv show on Lake Nokomis

My son at the Ice Castle

Improv on the Ice (lake Nokomis)

It also went to see an improv show on the ice (Lake Nokomis). It was adventurous because in order to save on parking, I parked on the other side of the lake and walked across(most of the ice is covered in hard packed snow-making it easier). It was fun to see so many people. A lot of hockey players were out on the ice because it coincided with a Hockey Championship.  

That's my week. Tell me about yours in the comments below.



I loved this Non-fic book by Catherine Gildiner.  Specifically there was a story by the therapist (Gildiner) that talked about how her client lived in the forest for a few years as a child.  And it talked about her struggles as an adult and how she overcame her issues by seeing the therapist weekly for three years. I think many of us could benefit from seeing a therapist for years at a time.


  1. Interesting week, both the ice castle and the improv on ice sound like fun ways to spend some time outside.

  2. The ice castle is very interesting. I've never seen anything like that. Since the lowest temperature ever recorded here was 5 degrees, I don't think we could ever have one here!

    Good Morning Monster was such a good book. I agree with you that a lot of people could use a therapist!

    1. One other thing I liked about "Good Morning, Monster" was the talk about gorillas in captivity and how mothers refuse to raise their own babies. The book is fascinating and filled with great facts.

  3. An Ice Castle! Now I can't even imagine that. If the temperature drops to 10 degrees here with us, we are all freezing our buts off! Glad you had so much fun there with your son.

    Have a good week Trin!

    1. Thanks Elza. Cold weather brings even more memories to a specific venue.

  4. Ice castles look very beautiful, but I can do without 10 below zero! Even in Michigan it's almost never that cold.

    best... mae at

  5. I went to see the ice castles in St. Paul years ago. They are so amazing. I am glad to see them turning up in other places.

    The weather has been rather up and down this year. I guess I am glad for the warmish days in between the colder ones. Although I would be glad to just get the really cold ones over.

    Good Morning Monster sounds fascinating. I love medical memoirs.

    Have a great week!

  6. The photos are so lovely but it looks far too cold for me - brrr. Have a great week and happy reading.

    1. Thanks Louise, I had a lot of fun at both venues.

  7. Great photos! Good Morning Monster was a 5-star audiobook for me... tough listening at times, but so inspiring.

    1. I bet that listening to Good Morning Monster is an emotional roller coaster, once you get on you may not want to get off.

  8. Loved the pictures. We don't often get snow here.

  9. All the ice pictures are so much fun! Looks like your team made it to the Superbowl from what you said over on my Sunday post. Good luck to them in a week and a half!

    1. Yeah, we need all the luck we can get and thanks for stopping by.

