
Saturday, January 22, 2022

Sunday post


The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted  @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things  received. Share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead. See rules here: Sunday Post Meme


I did some improv with Friday Delight group on zoom. Here's a picture from last week

Spent this week driving for ride share. Here are some interesting observations I made while listening to clients ...At Saint Catherine’s university they have a separate nursing award for Alzheimer’s clients.And a lot of the residents are nuns. 

current snow fall in MN
“They still pray a lot even though they have Alzheimer’s” said client who is a nursing assistant that works at St Kates.

This is the second time this week that I had to pick up a high school student while driving Uber. In Minnesota, a lot of the students take the city bus to school and during the pandemic a lot of the bus drivers are not working.I asked this student if there are a lot of shenanigans at his school because he attends Central high school, one the largest high schools in Saint Paul and he was like "oh yeah🤪"

When I went to school in North Minneapolis two guys in big wheel trucks would circle the school to get everyone’s attention. And smoking on the corner was the thing to do. 

That's my week. Tell me about yours in the comments below.



"The View from Here" by Rachel Howzell. Synopisis: Rachel's life changes on the afternoon she receives a phone call from the harbor. During a scuba dive, her husband Truman disappears. No one—not his diving instructor, not the Coast Guard—can find him. Is he still alive? Or is grief making her believe the impossible?

I liked this one a lot and all of the secrets in this couple's marriage. Rachel's husband was sure adventureous and it mentions how he's a lawyer in a case with his neighbor (also a lawyer).  There was just so many intriguing plot threads, including Rachel's numbing process(if you get what I mean)


  1. That's exactly the kind of book I would love. I need to look for it.

  2. Those pictures are amazing. I love the street art and the huge smiles in the improv photo are so warm - it looks like you were all having great fun. The book sounds very intriguing, I must look that one up.

    1. Yes, improv is a great fun and its been fun getting to know these people over the last year, a lot of them live internationally so even better.

  3. Driving for Uber sounds dangerous in so many ways! Good luck.

    best... mae at

    1. Thanks Mae. I did have a scare driving for ride share the other week when a random individual not looking for a ride got in the car, whew!! (luckily he got out)

  4. I think your work driving for Uber reminds me a lot of the work of a bartender. I hope you are planning to piece together these stories somehow.

    The improv always sounds like such a delightful experience.

    1. Yes, I love socializing with my Uber clients and I get to practice my improv on them.

  5. The View From Here sounds really interesting.

    I hope you have a great week!

  6. Uber would have been so good 30 years ago when my daughter was in 1st grade and we had to walk her to school because we lived just under 2 miles away and you had to live more than 2 miles away to use the bus.

    1. Yes, Uber is great for so the weather conditions in MN.

  7. We got our 2 days of snow here and now it's melting. I laugh at the driver's here in NC because they have no clue how to drive plus the state does not have equipment for snow because it doesn't happen much. They just shut down instead. I hope you will stay well with driving all the different people.

    Anne - Books of My Heart

    1. Oh, I bet snow comes as a shock in places like NC

  8. I bet you meet a lot of interesting people as an Uber driver. I wish Uber had been around when I was in school. I remember a lot of freezing winter walks in the dark to get to school on time. :)

  9. You definitely learn something interesting things driving for Uber.

    1. Oh yes Suzanne, learning is half the battle. You definitely don't want to learn the same lesson twice.

