
Saturday, February 5, 2022

Sunday Post #amwriting #amjoy



The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted  @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things  received. Share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead. See rules here: Sunday Post Meme, its also hosted by Readerbuzz


This week I thought I'd piggy back off another blogger's post and answer this prompt : You see someone walking ahead of you on a small path in a local park. Suddenly they stop, turn around , run straight to you and say "I know what you did"

Are you talking about the time I:
 I rolled down the aisle in a wheelchair to accept my five year dance trophy in a body cast  played floor hockey in 8th grade and broke my femur).
-the time I tried to get out of a speeding ticket and held up my red painted hands because I was returning from a haunted house: "No officer I am not injured. Nor did I injure anyone tonight."
-Or the time I wrote my second grade teacher a tear jerking letter about how great she is.
-Or the time I went to Corona, California to go zip-lining and I got stuck in the middle of the zip-line and someone had to come out on the line with me and throw me a buoy. 

Pics from my week

My son Zulfi when he was five months

A fun car in my neighborhood

A pic from my son's day at the play park

Upcoming shows
Fearless Comedy annual New play festival Feb 11,12,18,19,25,26 @Mounds Historical theater

Quote of the week
“If you can’t annoy somebody, there’s little point in writing.”  — Kingsley Amis

That's my week. Tell me about yours in the comments below.


Synopsis: When newly-divorced Ivy Perkins buys an old farmhouse sight unseen, she is definitely looking for a change in her life. The Four Roses, as the farmhouse is called, is a labor of love—but Ivy didn't bargain on just how much labor. The previous family left so much furniture and so much junk, that it's a full-time job sorting through all of it.

I know I'm reading a Christmas book in February, but as long as the snow has got me holed up, I'm going to do it. And like the character of Ivy buying a farmhouse on her own and starting fresh as her job as a marketer doesn't pan through. 

I like this self help book by Brianna Weist.  It's a great look at the obstacles we create for ourselves and how to overcome them.


  1. I wonder how that car backed into the snow!

    best...mae at

  2. Lol, those are some very strange stories you have to tell! The zip wire one makes me hyperventilate just thinking about being stuck up in the air like that! I love seeing your photos - your son was super cute as a baby. Happy reading.

  3. Great stories! I would just ignore anyone who did that to me.

