
Saturday, August 14, 2021

Sunday Post



The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted  @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things  received. Share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead. See rules here: Sunday Post Meme

           LOOKING FORWARD TO august

 This week I went to a lot of Fringe Festival plays, and that was so much fun to see a lot of the actors I've seen in recent years gather in the same week.  I also got a new carpet and hopefully I'll find a vacuum that works.

We got together for our own underground improv group this week on the 23rd floor of a rooftop in Minneapolis.  We played improv games and laughed. I got into a rhyme about Bill Nye the Science Guy.

 I also took a few  UBER clients to the airport.  One of my passenger's son moved to North Carolina and they wanted to visit him. (her daughter also lives in Norway), and we talked about how much she misses her kids. And iItook another woman from the Radisson near Mall of America (MOA)  to Walgreens. The MOA doesn’t open till like 9am so UBER drivers often take clients to miscellaneous errands until the mall opens.

One of my ride share clients said there was a study done where researchers set up an intentional booby trap so that people tripped and were later interviewed. Most people said something along the lines of being extremely embarrassed and the passenger said, "It was just a trip. They shouldn't have been so embarrassed.  It goes to show how so many people think the world revolves around them, and how people take themselves too seriously.  'People' my wife says. If people just went with the flow and believed that everything would turn out okay, and not get so anxious about everything, the world would be a better place.


This week in photos

I had a joke about how extra large this blended coffee beverage is from Caribou Coffee

This is where I have my Writer's group at Midtown Global Market in Minneapolis

A photo from "Channel" at the Fringe Festival (Crane theater)

Looking forward to fall leaves

Upcoming Shows

Minne-Musicals is a free-form, roving theatrical experience. Audiences will have the opportunity to see five 10-minute musicals – at their own pace, in whatever order they choose - spread across spaces in two buildings - The Hennepin and The Chambers Hotel in downtown Minneapolis. Performances are Sep 10-12, 2021. Choose to reserve a FREE Pass and see as many of the shows as you can or purchase a VIP Pass and get guaranteed, preferred seating PLUS some other added perks.

Tickets at

Charlie and talk with Joanna Schnedler with Minnesota Music Coalition. And Stephen Letnes joins us with Able Artist Foundation.(On YouTube) We discuss the relationship between the two organizations and what they offer for musicians with disabilities.

Please comment below


I'd like to read a few of Daniel Goleman's books.  And I think this is relevant considering a lot of people seem interested in mindfulness and meditation.


  1. If I tripped and fell down I would be embarrassed too. I think it's only natural to feel like that.

  2. I might need to switch to UBER, since I haven't had good luck finding rides with LYFT! They used to be prompt and reliable, but then the Pandemic...

    Enjoy your week, and thanks for visiting my blog.

    1. Yes, UBER is pretty great and in some cities drivers have the option to pick up multiple passengers, like in NY and San Francisco.

  3. I bet you meet a lot of interesting people driving for UBER, sounds like you have a great week

    here is my link:

  4. My son moved away a few years ago, I know exactly how that customer felt.

    1. Yes, I'm glad she has visited him a few times in the past.

  5. Driving for UBER sounds a lot like being a bartender. I bet you hear some great stories. I used to work for the Census Bureau and interview people, and it was similar.

    Emotional Intelligence is an interesting idea. I wonder if it is something that can be improved.

  6. I would be uncomfortable driving for Uber with so many different people who may or may not want to wear masks or be vaccinated. You do get to hear a variety of stories though.

    Anne - Books of My Heart

    1. It's fun to hear the stories. A lot of people are in transition or on their way to a new job. A lot of passengers tend to travel a lot, which makes sense.

  7. You really do get many stories as an UBER driver, don't you? It must be interesting. I hope you have a great week!

    1. Thanks Yvonne. Its definitely one of those things that never gets boring. I'm grateful:)

  8. That’s a big coffee!
    I think your passenger has a point

    Wishing you a great reading week

  9. Sounds like your improv group was a lot of fun this week. And yes, I'm looking forward to the fall leaves too. Fall is my favorite time of year.

    1. Fall to me is like a step in a new direction. It's fabulous!

