
Saturday, August 7, 2021

Sunday Post #amwriting #amjoy


The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted  @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things  received. Share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead. See rules here: Sunday Post Meme

Stacking The Shelves is hosted by Tynga’s Review


This week I went sailing with the Adaptive Sailing group again. The Lake Harriet Yacht Club’s Adaptive Sailing program encourages sailors with physical challenges to experience the sport of sailing and serenity of harnessing the wind on the water.  It was relaxing and I got to talk to some people about the theater stuff and people I meet.  I thought about going swimming in the St. Croix but its been one of those weeks where I've been like 'meh'.  We'll see..

I've done a lot of self care because my arthritis has been at an all time high.  I'll probably make a trip to Twin Cities Orthopedics (TCO).  Which reminds me I had a talk with an UBER client who was taking a trip to the Viking Training Camp next to TCO because his daughter was to perform in a drum line alongside the Vikings band.  We talked about how big TCO has gotten and how people are flocking to Eagan and buying homes nearby the clinic.  This passenger was also from the Philippines, so I got to talk to them about his country winning a gold medal in weightlifting and the fact that my brother was adopted from there and my parents lived there for two years when my dad was stationed there in the military.

 I also got my tickets to the Fringe Fest.



I've been taking it easy otherwise and counting my blessings which are plentiful.  There's a group on ZOOM who take like a half hour a week to make their grateful list.  Here's my grateful list:
Grateful for longeivity
for meeting a friend for lunch at Cecil's 
For people holding doors
And bringing me gifts from National Night Out.
For Saturday Happiness
Grateful for extra winks of shut eye
For stylish people and fashion
For rain

Photos from my week

This is a picture taken near the adaptive sailing center at Lake Harriet.  The Lake Harriet Yacht Club’s Adaptive Sailing program encourages sailors with physical challenges to experience the sport of sailing and serenity of harnessing the wind on the water. Sailors use our growing fleet of club-owned Mini Illusion boats (i.e. boat ownership is NOT required ).More info at



I like this book because the main character is a news reporter and you can read about all the behind the scenes job anecdotes that you may not have considered. The MC is a little thorny and rough around the edges but I can enjoy a character like this from time to time.

This novel is supposed to be reminiscent of "You Got Mail" because the main characters exchange messages throughout their day and they are supposed to be arch enemies.  I like it.  I like the New York setting and business owners.

"Atomic Habits" by James Clear.  I had a book talk on this one.  A lot of readers were trying to understand what the difference is between the process and the goal and other motivations.  One teacher talked about how she often told her students that they were the best class she ever had and how this motivated them.  Lots of people were holding up graphs and charts to the ZOOM window and getting people to understand how they created habits.


  1. I've been reading quite a bit this summer, probably because I've been staying home more (again), I'm going to look into that first book you mentioned, it sounds like one I'd like.

    1. Yeah, this is great reading time. Please do check out "Where the green grass grows.."

  2. Glad you were able to go sailing again this summer. I read To Sir with Love recently and really enjoyed it so I'm glad to hear you're enjoying it as well. Have a great week!

    1. I'm glad you enjoyed it. Yeah, I'm so glad I came across it on another blogger's site. Its very fun and the champaign tasting event had me thinking about some fun similar experiences I've had.

  3. I haven't been on a boat since I was a kid. I don't like deep water so I haven't been on a boat for a long time. It always looks like fun though.

    1. I love water sports. There's still a few I haven't tried that are on my bucket list like tubing from a motor boat(not sure what that's called atm)

  4. There's something very relaxing about sailing.

    I am definitely interested in reading To Sir With Love. Thanks for sharing it.

    Have a great week.

  5. Sailing sounds so relaxing. Sounds like you had a great week and had many interesting conversations. Hope this is another great week!

    1. Lots of interesting conversations for sure, and I give myself credit in this area. conversation is definitely one of my strong suits.

  6. I like the photos. Sailing sounds so nice and I always loved the lakes there.

    Anne - Books of My Heart

    1. Sailing is great. there was even one multi-colored sail that made me thing of the very diverse sails that are out there.

  7. I’m sorry to hear your arthritis has been problematic . The sailing program sounds like a great activity to be involved in.
    I can’t help but sing the title of Weisbeger’s novel every time I see it.

    Wishing you a great reading week

  8. Yes, that Weibeger title is great, more authors should take theme songs as titles(that is IF the publisher gives them choice--I heard this can be an issue)

  9. But what is that DUCK in the pictures? :) I watched the first gif a few too many times - thanks for the needed chuckle. I should totally start a grateful list again; I'm stressing out like the beginning of the pandemic all over again...

    1. Yes, I think the duck is supposed to be a buoy, and I love these gifs as well. I do think that stress goes in cycles, but the grateful list helps, believe you me, after a while, You'll start thinking like a kid and be galloping up and down grocery aisles like you used to.

