
Saturday, August 14, 2021

Islander-Elision Playhouse

Photo by  Jessica Holleque


Will we be needing lawn chairs for this performance?

No. This musical is NOT going to be outside.

More than a year has passed since traditional indoor theater ceased to exist, but Elision playhouse in Crystal is just one of the few theaters that has opened its doors in July of 2021 with their new musical Islander, directed by Lindsay Fitzgerald.

This musical is set near the Scottish coast, and is based on a novel by Stewart Melton, and set to script by Amy Draper. The story opens with characters contemplating a leave for the mainland due to poor investments, a decrease in population, and insurmountable rain. The story draws from a Scottish folklore of the sea-bound “fin-folk”. Myth and reality collide when the tide washes a mysterious stranger onto the beach.

Deidre Cochran dominates the show with superb comic timing in a near perfect performance. She and Christine Wade make a fine duo as they sing conversational like Celtic songs.  

This 75-minute one act musical covers a lot of ground, and a short intermission would have have given the audience time to stretch their legs. The Scottish dialect could at times, be cumbersome, but the simple plot and acting makes up for this.

Scenic projections of islands and cliffs set the scene as the characters embark on their journey in the sea. Tension rises with the sound of a storm and I can't help think I hope the characters make it out alive.

The experience is enhanced by an onstage looping board that simulates the sensation of hearing sounds up close and far. 

Come and check out this show that the Edinburgh festival 2019 boasted as the best musical of the year.

Islander runs through July 31st. Tickets at

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