
Thursday, February 25, 2021

Sunday Post #amwriting #amjoy


Today's post will link up to The Sunday SalonThe Sunday Post and Stacking the Shelve, Reader Book Buzz  for weekly updates


Today I have a special guest, Ayesha S. Ratnayake with me. She's here to talk about her new book: Cheat Sheets for Life: Over 750 hacks for health, happiness and success.

Ayesha, what is your newest book about?

‘Cheat Sheets for Life: Over 750 hacks for health, happiness and success’ is essentially the data-driven ‘manual for life’ that I genuinely believe should be thrust into the hands of every newborn baby. After decades spent consuming hundreds of non-fiction books, I put together a quick and practical guide summing up what science says about how to succeed across 17 dimensions of life – from health to wealth to love to happiness.

What made you want to write a book about Health, Happiness and Success?

I didn’t initially plan to publish a book. I was just trying to answer the question ‘What does science say about living a good life?’ Thanks to the magic of audiobooks and 10 hours a week spent commuting, I was able to tap into hundreds of books about happiness, productivity, relationships, and more, in my effort to answer that question. I took copious notes and categorized them. Soon, I realized I was building the book I had been seeking my whole life – a handbook for life based on data and research. As it took shape, I felt I couldn’t keep it to myself. Everyone could use this information.


Did you do a press release, Goodreads book launch or anything else to promote your work and did it work?

I used book promotion websites such as Buck Books and Reading Deals, and the reach of avid readers and reviewers – the influencers of the book space – to promote my book. It did work! Cheat Sheets for Life became an Amazon Bestseller in the categories Pyschology Research and Science Education Research and got fantastic reviews within two weeks of launch.


What is your favorite motivational phrase?


"Who shall set a limit to the influence of a human being?" by Ralph Waldo Emerson.


Do you proofread/edit all your own books or do you get someone to do that for you?

I was a Copywriter many years ago, so I do have proofreading and editing experience. Regardless, it’s valuable to have a second pair of eyes on one’s writing, so I ‘hired’ my erudite aunt, Nalini Rodrigo, to do the job of editing. She approached it with a level of enthusiasm I couldn’t expect from a paid editor, ensuring every last dot and dash was just right. She even measured the gaps between chapter headings and body text. I also had a team of beta readers who gave me invaluable feedback on my early drafts.


Which writers inspire you?

I am inspired by writers who offer priceless factual insights with practical simplicity. Richard Wiseman, Chip and Dan Heath, Kerry Patterson, Joseph Grenny, Ron McMillan, Al Switzler and James Clear all come to mind. These writers put in the effort to provide useful and science-backed guidelines for dealing with common yet crucial challenges. They have all influenced my thinking and writing.

Thanks Ayesha For joining us.

Thanks for having me.

 Author Bio

A Sri Lankan born in Fiji, Ayesha S. Ratnayake (MBA, Chartered Marketer) has 10+ years of experience in marketing and management. She has served as CEO, Director and Shareholder of a technology firm where she led the development of an enterprise software product. She has also served as Co-founder and Director of a marketing communications agency. Ayesha is a startup mentor and a mental health advocate.


From the Author of this blog
 On a side note I took a few clients to work.  I didn't realize I was in bonus mode and earned an extra $80! 
I networked a lot this week with people for our channel.  There's a meetup group that discusses YouTube and how to engage with viewers and it was exciting to see so many YouTubers. 

I pampered myself with some coffee drinks and tamales 

Loving this home swap novel.  At first I was loving the American's take of living in Britain, but then I started loving the other characters. It really examines a lot of angles.

 truth is simple. The more simple you are and the more you seek for simplicity, the nearer you come to truth.


OUR channel Disability Landscape interview Tara Innmon
Share your comments below.


  1. Thanks for the introduction to Ayesha, I'll have to check out the book.

  2. I bought a copy of Cheat Sheets for Life a week or so ago. Now, after reading your interview, I need to give it a read.

    I enjoyed The Switch a lot.

  3. That's pretty good for bonus mode. I have a few videos on Youtube but I don't get much traffic.

  4. I like the favorite motivational phrase today. I have never seen that before but feel like it is one I should embrace. My Sunday Salon post this week

  5. I have to check out Cheat Sheets for Life. Looks wonderful.

  6. Thank you for sharing the interview with Ayesha S. Ratnayake. I wish her success with her book! I am glad you are enjoying The Switch. I hope to read that one day. I hope you have a great week!

    1. Love any book with UK Setting, so if you have any send them my way.

  7. Have to agree with Ayesha that even when you're a copyeditor yourself, a second set of eyes on your book is essential!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. I only wish I was a copy editor. Its a great skill for sure.

