
Sunday, March 7, 2021

Sunday Post #amwriting #amjoy



           LOOKING FORWARD TO march

This week more snow which was cool. Most of it melted within an hour. I enjoyed some virtual comedy and dressed my son for various dress up days at his school. My son loves to wear his spider man costume -the same one from Halloween and will use any occasion to wear it again while he's pretending to throw spider webs at nearly everyone.

I looked at the positive this week, and here's the list I came up with:

Thank God for quilted northerns

for seeing my son get on the bus

for little wimbs and passages.

Grateful for baby steps and nice lighting, incense.

Thankful for shoes and names like Sterling.

Thankful for people who do comedy in cars.

I took this picture while waiting for this woman to get into the ride share. Its near a hotel called Fossil near Mall of America. The passenger was in town to see the Floyd B memorial and other sites.

This is one of my son's favorite videos that he watches all the time , made by a family on Youtube called FV family
and the next video is my son's reenactment of the video.


The Doll Factory is a book I'm still getting into. Its supposed to be historical fiction and based on obsession
This is the second time I've been recommended Mr. Fox, but I've had a hard time getting into it.

A booktuber talked about this 'If I can't have you' book and suggested how the main character is someone you grow to love despite her making some pretty awful decisions.  The setting is in the UK. I adored it and it has some obsession.
I loved this book book as well. The main character is laid off and she struggles with living as a quote unquote housewife, even though she's not really married and her boyfriend is studying to be a plastic surgeon.

I was supposed to finish this fantasy book for a virtual book club but found myself behind this week.

I got into this book as well as the main character I believe is on Parole and her parole officer has taken a liking to her, but she's all business trying to discover some truths behind a crime involving her best friend. It seemed futuristic somehow.

Disability Landscape Interview Regan, Director of Phamaly Theater in Colorado. This is a wonderful theater that recently did a rendition of Christmas themed plays and talks about stereotypical roles and disabled individuals


  1. Snow pictures are so pretty, and although I can appreciate the beauty, I've had enough of the white stuff. Ours has finally melted and the weather has finally warmed.

    1. I get it Karen. It has been feeling more like spring lately, and I'm looking forward to more walking.

  2. I'm glad you are able to drive in snow. I don't know how you do it.

    I wasn't able to get into Mr. Fox either. Maybe third time will be the charm for you.

    Kids love Spider-Man!

    1. Thanks Deb, it was fun getting stuck on a big snowy hill while I'm asking a passenger for strategies to overcome the obstacle.

  3. My grandson was spiderman too and even without the costume he pretends to throw spiderwebs at me. lol

    1. Yes Mary, I'm surprised the spiderman series has kicked off in so many directions but I'm glad the younger generation has so many fun heroes to connect with.

  4. Glad you are looking the bright side of things! Hope you have a great week!

    Here’s my Sunday Post!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog

  5. It's nice that it's warming up there and here, too. I'm most excited about having more sun! Enjoy all those new reads.

    Anne - Books of My Heart

    1. Thanks Anne. I'm loving the sun but I'm kicking my butt for not going cross country skiing like I had planned this year.

  6. Love your list of things your thankful for. Your son is adorable!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

  7. Picturing your son in his Spiderman costume shooting webs around--so adorable! My daughter used to love dressing up for school during theme weeks, but not so much this year. It's not the same when attending school virtually. I don't think her classmates dressed up either.

    Your current reads all sound good. I really want to read Jemisin at some point. Not Working looks good too.

    I hope you have a great week!

    1. Yes, I heard young children can get adept at choosing a favorite outfit or costume and never taking it off--luckily my son hasn't gone to these extremes.

  8. Great pics and I love your positives post. Have a great week!

  9. Snow that looks pretty as it's falling and then disappears in an hour sounds perfect to me. I love to watch it fall but hate having to go out and about in it. Love your list of positives and hope you have a lovely week. :)

  10. Love the picture though I'm not a fan of snow! Luckily we don't have to deal with it very often in Alabama! The Spiderman costume made me smile. My daughter used to use dress up weeks as an excuse to wear pajamas as much as possible. Have ag reat week!

    1. My son looks so adorable in pajamas. I would have loved to see all of the kids dressed up at his school--so cute!!

  11. The snow here I hope is done for the year, as I write this is pouring down with rain and blowing a Gale, I can’t wait till summer.

    1. 'Blowing a Gale' is a new term for me, I'll have to add it to my list. Thanks for stopping by.

