
Saturday, February 20, 2021

Sunday Post #amwriting #amjoy



 Today's post will link up to The Sunday SalonThe Sunday Post and Stacking the Shelve, Reader Book Buzz  for weekly updates.


This week got a little warmer, whew!  It did snow some but not much.  I learned that it also snowed in New York, from some people in a writers group who told me a bunch more fun facts about New York including the irrigation system and how bad it smells on the subways.

I also gave some more thought to my a possible ride share book and sharing it on Amazon.  It takes a lot of research to self publish but thanks to YouTube there are tons of tutorials. 

Lastly, I got my taxes done.  This is always an effort so I'm glad I got that taken care of.

More fun ride share talks:

“I’m ninety. It’s not easy getting old.” My passenger said after I stuffed her walker (that would not collapse) into the passenger seat of my car.

I pointed out a man bicycling up a hill in thirty mile per hour winds.

“That man is asking for a beating,” she said.


Upcoming Twin Cities Shows

DIGITAL, (Feb 25-March 6) is a pixelated performance by Emily Michaels King that uses MacBook Pro, iPhone, and Zoom to explore identity and bloodline. This inventive and disorienting collage of camera curation, screen sharing, choreography, and image manipulation is an archival assemblage of memory and the detritus of one’s life, digital and otherwise. Made with and for the virtual realm, DIGITAL is bizarre and familiar, like swimming in the technicolor oil slick of our subconscious. 

tickets to this virtual show

Disability Landscape featuring Brittanie Wilson We have a great conversation with our new Brittanie Wilson was on our YouTube channel. She is a local disability rights activist who keeps tabs on the MN state legislature.

That's my week.  Tell me about yours in the comments below.


I decided to pick up another one of Jean-Paul's novels after reading 'The Reader on the 6-27

I liked 'A Doubter's Almanac.'  It really has nothing to do with an Almanac but its about a character who studies Topography and math, and it explores this character's journey as a professor in math as he solves a huge mathematical problem that won him a place in history.

I Like 'The Biggest Bluff' a lot.  Its nonfiction, and tells Maria's story of becoming a woman poker player. And although its about poker, its mostly how Maria came into the game as she wanted to learn how to master some big issues in her life, and conquer the art of making a good decision.  Maria walked away with a lot of money playing poker but at the end of the day, she's a into psychology and has a degree to study human behavior.


  1. Lucky you, it did not get warmer here, and we have not yet done our taxes.

    1. Taxes was a bit different this year, what with the social distancing glass and the fact that I handed off all my materials only to return for them the next week.

  2. It's been nice here all month. It's supposed to be in the 70's soon. Spring doesn't last here for long before summer is in full swing.

    1. I'm glad for the change Mary. It made me tremendously happily, especially in the wee hours when I got my son on his bus.

  3. I hope you won't get anymore snow and that the weather gets warmer. Have a great week!

  4. I think you might enjoy writing a book about riders you meet. It sounds like it could make a good book.

    I haven't read Rest of Their Lives. I'm off to look for it next.

    Hope the weather gets better for you soon.

    1. Yeah Deb, Its exciting to learn about the book writing process. Since this is my first one, I am going to give it my all and research, research, research, and ask people tons of questions, which is something I'm good at (wink).

  5. I’m a lousy poker player :)

    Wishing you a great reading week

    1. I do have a dark side for the gambling, and I could see how being prepared is good for a sport that one usually considers 'luck' as the their 'go-to'.

  6. Taxes and death... we just can't escape them! I can imagine you had a lovely ride with the 90 year old lady. Hope she shared some wisdom too.

    Have a good week Trin and be safe out there!

    1. Yes, one of the greatest things she shared is the importance of choosing a walker and how to appreciate your driver.

  7. We freezed last week but this week, it's spring and we're going out in t-shirts ! The lady was fun ;) Enjoy your week !

    1. Wow lucky! I'm still going out in at least a sweater with some fancy boots, it's slushy, like the slushies you get at your local gas staion.

  8. I think a book based on that would be very interesting, people can open up to strangers!

  9. Taxes . . . I am glad (or maybe not) that you reminded me. Usually we do ours right away. I don't know if we have this year though. I hope your weather has continued to be more pleasant.

    I hope you are enjoying your reading! Have a great week!

  10. I need to do my taxes still. Usually I use the free service at the library but because our libraries aren't fully open I'm going to have to do them myself this. It isn't that they are hard it is just time consuming. See what I read at Girl Who Reads

