
Saturday, February 13, 2021

Sunday Post #amwriting #amjoy



 Today's post will link up to The Sunday SalonThe Sunday Post and Stacking the Shelve, Reader Book Buzz  for weekly updates.

           LOOKING FORWARD TO February

This week was cold and I mean real cold!!!!!!! With that being said, I still got a few things done. I thought I'd post some fun things that my passengers have said to me over the last year or so.

- I told a client I liked to dance and his response:“Oh, I love ‘Just Dance’ on Nintendo Switch-it has over 500 songs. I probably dance two hours a day.”

“Don’t listen to her” my passenger said, referring the GPS.

Someone told me about how they nearly missed their cruise, and how they still remember the ship sound, ‘Honk, Honk!’ Ironically, they also nearly missed their ride share to the airport that morning.

A passenger told me about a time he was watching ‘Caught in Providence’ and a plaintiff had been brought in to contest a ticket. And the judge asked him about his criminal background and he said he was in prison for thirty years for bank robbery. He said “You know the movie ‘The Town’? (starring Ben Afflek) That movie was based on my life.”

Judge 👨‍⚖️ released the guy’s ticket, said the plaintiff is 💫 starting a new chapter in his life.

                                                        Photos from my Week

I loved seeing the elevator on the outside of the building going up ten flights 

The winds make this week super cold.  My feet felt like they were getting frost bit at point from inside the car

That's my week.  Tell me about yours in the comments below.


I'm loving 'Reader on the 6-27'.  At first I thought it was densely written and read a bit like nonfiction but then I got into it and was like Wow! this is one heck of a story and the characters who read made me think of my reading journey


  1. It's been absolutely freezing here too, making me feel better about staying in the house. Even if there wasn't Covid, I wouldn't go out in this weather anyway.

  2. You talk to some interesting people. It's been warm here but really windy. And a Happy Valentine's Day to you and yours.

  3. Got myself on the waiting list for that Reader on the 6-27!!!!! I am #2 on the list, waiting for the one and only copy. LOL

    1. Oh, I hope you get it. Its certainly been my top fav of 2021, along with 'Bastard of Istanbul.'

  4. I'm glad you are writing down all the comments of your passengers. You can make a great show? book? out of that.

    Loved Reader on the 6-27. Glad you are enjoying it, too.

  5. Looks like you have some great books on your list. I love the pictures.

    Hope you have a great week!

  6. How funny that the one passenger dances two hours a day via Just Dance! :-)

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. totally Nicole. I loved that passenger's energy and he would need it too, because he also said he worked at a nursing home.

  7. Try to stay warm. I remember 2013 there when it didn't get above -10 for the high even for 2 months. It was part of the reason I moved to NC. Happy Valentine's Day.

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

    1. Thanks Anne, this weather is challenging for sure. I feel like we have seen it all in Minnesota. North Carolina sounds beautiful-I flew through their on a connecting flight over the summer.

  8. I'm not sure if I understand the comment that your customer made Just Dance and two hours. But it sounds like a good plan to get ones exercise that way. My Sunday Salon Post

  9. Haha! I have to admit your customer kind of has me wanting to check out Just Dance on the Switch. I hope you're staying warm!

    1. Thanks Suzanne. With everything going Virtual, I feel whats next is hologram dancers showing up to give you tutorials in your home.

  10. Haha! Love the comments you get from customers. My daughter loves Just Dance. I join her sometimes. It's actually a good work out. LOL I hope you are enjoying your current reads. Reader on the 6-27 sounds really interesting. I hope you have a great week!

  11. Oh your post made me laugh this week! Such funny tidbits. You should publish them all in a bundle or something! And that kitty giphy is soooo the best!

    Take care and be safe out there!

    Elza Reads

  12. Funny quotes ;) I can't imagine how cold you must have been inside your car, I was freezing in my appartment with the heating on. And this week ? I cut off the heating during the day because it's warm enough outside. Go figure. I love your pics too, riding such an elevator must be impressive. I've never read Didierlaurent, I should.

