
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Eating her curds and Whey....

Vila had made the whole lot of Misty's crew egg rolls. 

"Here she comes" said Misty, giving her a side hug and knowing that without this sweet old friend at the turn of every page in her life, misty would be in the projects once again.

She came full handed with two Tupperware containers thickly filled with egg rolls made of cabbage and chicken. The dancers looked on with pitiful faces.

 "Where did this girl come from?" Some murmured "don't ya' all know? This is Misty's colleague?"

 Misty looked at the swarming dancers and shivered with gratitude, their faces swelling.  "Where was Eman when you needed him?  "

"I'd take these egg rolls, any day, to Eman's cooking," misty grinned with such satiety, grabbing an egg roll and inhaling it.

 "No, you go ahead, you got your egg rolls,sugar cookies, in a bag, and chips for one day only," and a laugh escaped the dancers throat,  and  vila's brother was helping himself dig in.

 "This is for one day only", so eat up, he stammered, between mouth fulls of egg rolls, barely making it into his mouth.

Misty was half enjoying this break up of routine, and there was no stopping food and their dancers.

"Try some tri-color drink."

The big punch bowl was filled with wormy lookin' gummies of different colors chilling at the bottom of this drink.

 "Now, Vila how do you have time to make tri-color?"  asked Misty.  "Don't worry about that." said Vila.  Her modesty charmed Misty every time. She gave with her whole heart, and the giving entering their bodies right now, would make for great recovery, thought Misty.

Earlier post on Misty