
Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Sasha-Not Yet in the UK

"Well, I'll need my driver", and with that Sasha took out her business card.

Michael on the phone, had this to say, "be there in ten."

"Ten, ten freakin' minutes, oh my gosh," Sasha started to move like a hamster on crack, turning this way and that way and this way and that way, looking for who knows what.

"Keys, keys, keys", she said, each finality of the word bringing its importance all the more higher.  "What you lookin' for?" her mother asked, with that same straight like look on her face eyebrows extended, and still in sweats.

 Sasha started to look through all the brown leather couches, flipping them over, putting her funny lookin' niece on another section of the couch, as she sat in her way.  She got down on her hands and knee,  push up style while she  looked under the coffee table, searching , thinking, pushing back the dining room table, and cabinetry where the shrine was; picking up bananas, putting them back.

"I gotta go ma," speaking to her mom, in search a condescending tone, that her mom just looked at her bead-eyed child and walked back in the kitchen, presumably taking in her second helping of buttered tea. mumbling on her breath, about Sasha's behavior and thinking, this child will be the life of me, one day...

How the heck Sasha found her keys was of no surprise to Amalah, (mother in Tibetan).  But she did, and the fact that Michael would be pulling up any minute to march her off to another one of Jenk's meetings made it the showcase of hope.


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