
Thursday, February 9, 2012

Jenks scared Mr. John away

Jenks was happy for the the distraction of his latest money making schemes, he had many and that kept everyone close to them actively engaged in their routines of frustration and hard work this made him strum his fingers and pat his cat like the villain from inspector gadget.

Before the winter was over.  Jenks had all but sent Sasha, Sheila, and Sandra-if Not against someone, at least against one another.  Each of their intrepid stares made Jenks marvel, and John, his assistant,was doing all the work, while Jenks was just "the brain".

"This will be the last time", said John with a turn of the key...Standing in the bakery, John searched around looking for some of the supplies he needed.  A big file folder marked their trailing catalogue: organized, and situated, so with a touch, an envelop easily opened a file. A file's tip...easily made it graspable for John's, spin,  transparent fingers.
"Now, with Sasha going back back to the the Uk, that leaves me hee, hee hee," he half chuckled to himself.

 And Sheila will no doubt-still be looking for Bernard. And Sandra will try to do the expose on the shop,.

"I Got it"...said John, the assistant...looking over the files.  Pictures of each of the mad women in Jenk's plot stared back at him, as if they were taking pictures in time.  As if Jenk's own creation could make money...the marketable plan that was taking place, stretched out its line plotted figures in front of him.  In one of the files, but John didn't understand...he'd have to go home...if this plan, in this folder were true...


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