
Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Row, Row, Row a Stream

Sandra had deadlines to meet but making them would be hard, caught under Joe's delirious concept to intrigue guests to stay past their bed time.

First their was the American food held as leftovers, then there was the papaya salad, that Sandra nibbled on and made it her point to try to escape from.  And then Sandra's all time favorite; the chips with guacamole dip.  This held her attention, and with the zingggg of papaya salad, conversation flowed, as Joe invited half the neighborhood to her house for a small gathering.
Enrico creeped down the stairs, and Sandra's gaze was kept on him.   "I know you!!!!" she said.  "I know you too," said Enrico. Not nearly half as flabbergasted as Sandra's observation.  But she looked at him, and the way he sauntered in the partly only to grab a chicken wing from the  buffet table and talking at the same time to Joe.
"What's down in the basement"? can I stow my stuff down there?"
 "Well, you know the bikes and boxes from the families, but their should be room for your stuff." said Joe.

Then taking a whole plate, he settled himself to an array of items, and picking at each while he grabbed more, no one seemed to mind the fact that Sandra's old, college Secretary stepped into the door and was now settling himself to a good assortment of food, as if he had lived their for months.   Sandra would have to hold back her comments until this beastly eating roommate of theirs exited, so she could get all the grime from Joe...
"Well, I'll be in the kitchen", said Joe, and behind the beaded curtain she disappeared..

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