
Sunday, September 19, 2021

Sunday Post #amwriting #amjoy


The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted  @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things  received. Share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead. See rules here: Sunday Post Meme


This week I talked to some writers about going to The Moth at the end of September.  The Moth is non-profit group dedicated to the art and craft of storytelling. The organization presents a wide range of theme-based storytelling events across the United States and abroad( Anyone can come with a story and compete with others telling stories.)

I will be changing my job location, and still working for the same health care company.  

My regular coffee shop on Robert Street in St Paul has only been taking orders through the drive thru because the shortage of staff so I've been to in the search of few coffee shops this week


 I think there is a definitive difference between Starbucks and Caribou and personally enjoy Caribou because of the strength of their espresso.

I talked about writing stand-up comedy with a friend. I have plenty of stories and could see myself writing a routine that revolves around risky choices and unusual things that have happened to me.
Here is a comedy bit I'm working on..

So I‘ve done some funny jobs.... but I never want to get famous for how young I look. There was a time I subbed (substitute taught) at a high school and the homeroom teacher thought I was a student. I came at sat down at the teacher's desk and the teacher asked me if my name was the attendance sheet.

Photos from my week
Como ZOO in St Paul


Readers please comment below



I've been reading all of Mhairi McFarlane books after I finished "You had me at Hello" because of the British settings.  This 2018 McFarlane Novel, "Don't you Forget About me" made me want to ring one of the antagonist's necks.  And the social media is a constant in this book.  It reminded me of how I was using Instagram and Facebook this week while documenting an experimental play I went to at Como zoo called "Animate." I felt like the paparazzi and then signed off my accounts to take a break.


  1. Hope your new job location isn't too inconvenient and that you enjoy working there.

    1. Yes. It's been enjoyable. I love my UBER job for the many perks it has in scheduling and the way I can travel around Minnesota with ease.

  2. My brother always looked really young until his 40's. He got carded all the time. I never had that problem. lol

    1. Nice Mary, yeah there's perks in being small. One of the greatest perks is being able to navigate around small crowds with easy. I've even found myself ducking under someone's armpit to get out of event faster.

  3. The Moth sounds like it will be a fun and worthwhile. I hope you are able to go!

    I also hope the new job location is favorable. Change always brings with it challenges but I hope the move goes smoothly. I also hope you are able to find a new coffee shop you like!

    I love the photos of the zoo. I hope you have a great week and enjoy your reading!

    1. Thanks the zoo experience was a lot of fun and I saw me of my friends there(wink)

  4. I hope the chance in your job location goes well. Great photos. I hope you have a great week.

