
Friday, October 1, 2021

Sunday Blog Post


 The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted  @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things  received. Share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead. See rules here: Sunday Post Meme


I talked to writers about the Feast of San Gennaro which kicked off this month in New York. This 11-day celebration began in 1926 as a way for immigrants in New York to maintain the Italian tradition of honoring the patron saint of Naples, Saint Januarius, with a feast every September. Its honored with cannoli eating contests and religious processions.

I guess people make this giant cannoli and stuff it, and this intrigued me because I remember going to Little Italy in California just to buy some cannoli.

I love going to cultural corners of big cities and I've also been to Chinatown and Koreatown in Chicago.

Fun Fact about me: I’ve lived in ten different places in my twenties. Sometimes for as little as two weeks, or as long as two years. I lived in two apartments in South Minneapolis. A coworker also subleased her a half a million dollar home because she hadn’t moved in yet. I lived with my uncle, and I lived in north Minneapolis, Dinkytown and East St. Paul.

Photos from my week

Looking outside my Apartment

Readers please comment below


'The Last Days of the Romanov Dancers.  I've read almost every book about dancing, so I thought I'd pick this up.
These are fun ones that you may want to pick up:
  • Bunheads (Hardcover) Sophie Flack
  • Apollo's Angels: A History of Ballet (Hardcover) Jennifer Homans
  • Ballet Shoes (Paperback) Noel Streatfeild.
  • Tiny Pretty Things (Tiny Pretty Things, #1) ...
  • Firebird (Hardcover)
  • Dancing on My Grave (Paperback) ...
  • Astonish Me (Paperback) 
  • Flora and the Flamingo (Hardcover)

I also did improv on ZOOM with the writer who wrote the IMPROV EDGE, Joe Hammer


  1. Wow! I've only lived in I think eight places in my life...and I'm well past my twenties! :D There's a level of confidence and resilience you need (or get!) to move around that much - way to go!!

    1. Thanks Becki. Yes a free spirit has been a part of me. I only hope I carry it as my life moves forward.

  2. I moved around a lot in my 20s and 30s: 14 times in the 1970s. Then I started staying longer, like five or six years. And finally, thirteen years in the 1990s and 12 years from 2007-2019. I really hate moving! LOL.

    Enjoy your week, and thanks for visiting my blog.

    1. wow, fourteen times! we may have competing stories, you should write a few of the stories on your blog some day.

  3. And I haven't moved since 1985! The next time I move it will be into a big wooden box! But I can see that many people love the adventure of moving.

    Enjoy your dance book. I know I've read and loved lots of these, but nothing is popping into my mind right now.

    1. Wow. Yeah, there is a lot of adventure with moving. One of the biggest adventures I've had is tenants holding on to my luggage (for what reason who knows) and for the many times I've had friends help out or donate items like beds and such.

  4. I haven't moved around that much. Our last move was two years ago and I'm hoping that's the last time. What a pain it was.

    Enjoy your reading and have a great week!

  5. When I was young, we lived in the same house for 13 years! But from then, I've moved quite a lot. I have been with my husband for 12 years and we've moved 4 times already! Going for 5 years in our current location and I hope to stay here.

    I have the last days of the Romanov Dancers on my TBR and can't wait to read it.

    Have a good week Trin!

    1. Thanks for sharing Elza. Yeah, they say moving is one of the hardest things to handle in one's lifetime. I forgot to mention I also lived in Duluth for three months and had at least three different homes during that time.

  6. You have a nice view from your apartment.
    I've lived in a few different places too.
    California, West Virginia, and Las Vegas.

    1. California must have been amazing. I hope you share more about that adventure some time.

  7. You moved around a lot in your twenties! You have a nice view from your apartment. I'm interested in 56 Days. Have a lovely week!

  8. Yum! Cannolis! My dad's side of the family is Italian, so those are a favorite! Hmm, in my 20s, let's see, I moved twice in college. Then lived with my parents for a year after college, moved to my first teaching job, then my second teaching job, and finally my third teaching job. So wow, 11 times is a lot! lol Well, have a good week!
    Lisa Loves Literature

    1. Yes, I can imagine you moved around a lot of your teaching jobs! I can imagine it though. I actually have a blog called 50 schools in 90 days where I talk about all the schools I've subbed at.

  9. I moved 8 times in 7 years during college and grad school. And that was with a piano! I lived in each place 4 years when I was renting but now I'm glad to own a place and not have to move.

    Anne - Books of My Heart

    1. Yes, I think a part of me never ants to grow up and take on the responsibility of a home. My brother jokes about how I skipped a step and had the kid before the home.

