
Saturday, May 29, 2021

Sunday Post #amwriting



Today's post will link up to The Sunday SalonThe Sunday Post and Stacking the Shelve, Reader Book Buzz  for weekly updates.


This week I stopped by Dual Citizens Brewery to play Cards Against Humanity with some folks and I nearly won the game! I included a pic of the scene below. (I'm kinda competitive).

I also talked with some folks about the Grand Canyon and road trips in general.  I haven't been to the Grand Canyon, but I have been to Mt. Rushmore in South Dakota and it was a blast many.  I was there during Sturgis and saw the motorcycles come in. I learned what a spider motorcycle was.  I've rode on the back of a motorcycle with my sister and went 30 mph and it was scary!!!!

A lot of things in my community are going Live and that's exciting, including plays and improv.

 Plus I'm so excited to watch this virtual play Ride Share. Its really going to help me think about where I can go with my own ride share stories.  I haven't done ride share a whole lot this week but I've taken a few people to the airport, specifically to Arizona and it seems that travelling comes in trends, because back in January and February everyone was going to Colorado and Florida.

Upcoming Twin Cities Plays

JUNE 23 - JULY 25, 2021

Presented by Writers Theater
One more ride. The night darkens. The mystery deepens. Written and directed by Black Lives, Black Words co-founders Reginald Edmund and Simeilia Hodge-Dallaway respectively, RIDE SHARE steps on the gas and takes you along for the dangerous, thrilling ride. Hop in.

by William Shakespeare

directed by Joe Wiener

June 18 – July 18, 2021
Free at Twin Cities area parks

LIVE SHOWS June 24-26th in the Twin Cities on the Bakken Museum Rooftop.
Ticket also get you access to the Bakken Museum for one hour before your showtime!



I'm loving this book, because I find myself in crowds a lot and I liked learning about collective thinking.  This book touched on how groups come to decision and how we sometimes follow people like an army of ants.

I liked this book because it describes sensitivity in children


  1. I've been talking about trying to get out to the Grand Canyon too. I've traveled a lot, but it's one place I've never seen and really want to.

  2. The Grand Canyon is magnificent. There's a thoughtful movie that culminates in a trip to the Grand Canyon, and the movie is fantastic, too.

    Wisdom of Crowds sounds like an intriguing read. I'll see if I can find it here.

  3. I have so much fun playing Cards Against Humanity with friends. We bought a bunch of sets for my best friends for Christmas
    Your current reads both look interesting.

    Wishing you a great reading week

  4. What on earth is Cards against humanity? I love playing cards and actually started playing bridge a bit a couple of years ago. Didn't get all that far though. Need to practice a bit more!

    Have a good week and be safe out there.

  5. The Grand Canyon sounds like a wonderful trip.

    The Wisdom of Crowds looks interesting.

    I hope you have a great week!

  6. I rode on the back of a motorcycle once when I was a teenager.

  7. Cards Against Humanity is such a fun game. I'm also really excited that theater and live events are starting to get back to normal. I've missed theater so much.

