
Saturday, May 29, 2021

Sunday Post #amwriting #amjoy



Today's post will link up to The Sunday SalonThe Sunday Post and Stacking the Shelve, Reader Book Buzz  for weekly updates.


This weekend I went to Wisconsin Dells.  I got in early Saturday so I wrote this post in advance.  I'm hoping to take my son to the Trampoline Park and to the Bumper Cars.  I may go ziplining and horseback riding.  Our hotel was a lot nicer than I expected, equipped with an electric chimney and two beds for the price of one.  There's a lot more things to see at the Dells, including 23-foot transformers.

I talked to writers about 'Infinite Jest' by David Foster Wallace and whether we should read complex texts that we don’t understand, if we should read more enjoyable ones.

  I also got this idea to practice my Spanish with improv exercises on ZOOM. This idea to me because I learned that there's a theater in Amsterdam whose citizens are learning English for the first time. 

Photos from my week

Friday Delight Theater

Upcoming shows

Man of God by Anna Moench, directed by Katie Bradley, at Theater Mu (Virtual)
During a mission trip to Bangkok, the four members of a Korean Christian girls’ youth group discover that their revered pastor has hidden a camera in their hotel bathroom. Their communal rage and disillusionment fuel increasingly violent revenge fantasies amidst the no-holds-barred neon bubblegum sex-tourism mecca of Bangkok.

On our Channel

Thabiso Rowan sings 

  • “Be for something and against nothing.” Michael Bernard Beckwith



  1. I'd heard of Wisconsin Dells but have never been there. Sounds like lots of fun, and the perfect place to enjoy some time with your son.

    1. You should totally visit Karen. Its pretty affordable and it one of the water parks has a wave pool where you can try body surfing.

  2. I read Infinite Jest a few years ago and never really understood all the praise for it. It just seemed rather self-indulgent to me, but I'm probably just not smart enough to get it.

    What a fun song. Thank you for sharing it.

    1. Glad you enjoyed Dorothy. I like to think of Valentine's Day when I listen to Thabiso's video.

  3. I've thought a lot about reading Infinite Jest, but I'm afraid it's (probably) too clever for me. Part of me wonders if it is a good idea to read books by people who ended up committing suicide. Are they the people that offer the best picture of life? Maybe not, even if it is the truest?

    I work on my Spanish now and then, off and on. I would love to be completely fluent and understand all the nuances.

    1. I'm so glad you're learning Spanish Deb, maybe we can swap what we learned and share exercises some time.

  4. I hope you got to spend some time with your son as you hoped to! Seems like you had a good week further, glad to hear.

    Good luck for your upcoming week!

    1. Thanks Elza. It was a good change and glad to get out and explore.

  5. I hope you and your son have a good time.

    1. We had a fab time Mary!! Can't wait to go again. Vacations are always so rejuventating that when I come back I can't help but want to run and dance even more.

  6. I hope you enjoy your trip. Check out what I read and more at Girl Who Reads

  7. I’d rather enjoy what I read than check off some old white guys opinion about makes good literature.
    The Dells looks like fabulous fun.

    Wishing you a great reading week

    1. I totally get what you mean. I've read a few Shakespeare text but unlike Maya Angelou, I may not memorize them (still glad they exist)

  8. I hope you get to do lots of fun things with your son on your trip!

    1. Thanks Suzanne. Kids are great to go on trips with because everything to them is so new:)

