
Sunday, April 25, 2021

Sunday Post #amwriting #amjoy


 Today's post will link up to The Sunday SalonThe Sunday Post and Stacking the Shelve, Reader Book Buzz  for weekly updates.


Happy Mother's Day!! (My four year old says)

I drove for Rideshare and took a few people to get their vaccines and had the best conversations. One of my clients was from China and we talked about traveling, including Japan, Singapore, Malaysia and Korea. Get this, you can be fined for chewing gum in Singapore and an officer will show up to your door with a ticket. The country prides itself in the fact that women and children can safely walk the streets after 10pm.

Another client was a couple who said they met as neighbors many years ago. hey were on their way to pick up their car from a place called the 280 station. I also house sat for my sister who went to Michigan to see my Nephew's baseball game.
This week I talked to some writers about 'What the Health' a documentary on Netflix. Its a documentary on Netflix that discussed the link between diet and disease.
Lastly, I did some sketch comedy with a group and it was real fun coming up with sketches and expanding on them at the Writer's table.

Upcoming Virtual Shows

The Revolutionists By Lauren Gunderson

Directed by Hannah Weinberg-Goerge

Video-on-demand available April 24–May 2, 2021

tickets at

Mark & I talk with Michael Matthew Ferrell, Executive Director and Founder, & Jason Hanson, Musical Director for Alive & Kickin'. It's a great organization that involves seniors over 60 singing dancing and performing rock music.

That's my week.  Tell me about yours in the comments below.



, Rachel Howzell Hall's brilliant stand-alone novel brings seven sinners to a private island for a reckoning


  1. if your are theatre bunny, improv is the best! I can still remember all the fun we had.

    Nope, Librarians really don't read as much as people think we do. Life and books that need to be stacked and sorted tend to get in the way. Oh and other classes too.

    Thanks for stopping by earlier and I hope you will have a good week!

    1. Yeah, I can see. I wouldn't mind being a librarian for a day, just so I could glance through a few more books:)

  2. I thought that I would get to sit at my librarian desk and read most of the day. No, although I did read aloud a lot of books to my elementary school students. I had to squeeze as much reading in as I could when I wasn't at work.

    Improv would be terrifying. And, at the same time, exhilerating. Maybe the terror would subside in time?

    That tent city makes me very sad. Very sad.

    1. Yes, I kind of poured on the sadness with this post. But I hope people can take away a few things.

  3. I'm picturing you doing improv in your car and having people around you thinking you're talking to and gesturing to them. It's a funny thought.

  4. When I was a librarian I found I didn't read quite as much because I was always so busy working with students, putting on programs, etc.

    I liked Pretty Little Wife. Hope you do, too.

    1. You're right Helen, and I'm beginning to learn just how many of my blog followers were librarians at one point or another. Its amazing!

  5. How funny about doing improv in your car. I'm sure your neighbor was confused. LOL! I can imagine being a librarian that you would feel rather overwhelmed with books.

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. Yes, my neighbors have seen me do everything. It doesn't help that I live in a ten story building with like two hundred people!!

  6. Doing improv in your car sounds fun, especially with your neighbor's reaction. That's so sad about your former coworker passing.

  7. Sorry to hear about your former coworker.
    Yeah I would have thought that a librarian would be reading all the time but it's like when I used to work in a bakery/deli. When I first got the job there I wanted to sample everything I made. Then as time went on, I didn't want any of it.

    1. Yeah, I guess that applies to a lot of work we do. Like I currently work in Health care and when I get home, my time is my own. lol.

