
Monday, April 19, 2021

Catalyst TV Festival, Duluth @ITVfest @catalystories

This is a repost from 2020

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted  @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things  received. Share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead. See rules here: Sunday Post Meme
Today's post will link up to The Sunday SalonThe Sunday Post and Stacking the Shelves for weekly updates.

           LOOKING FORWARD TO october

This weekend I took a road trip with my sister and a friend to see an independent TV festival in Duluth called the Catalyst. This festival will feature screenings,script readings and networking events for writers, artists and producers across the video streaming industry giving artists an opportunity to meet industry executives, agents, and producers. Creators won't be coming with a finished product, they might have a script or a pilot of an episode that they’re pitching in the hopes of getting streamed by somewhere like Netflix.
Cassie St. Onge (pictured above)

While at the festival, I listened to a talk about the Writer's Room with guest speakers Mike Rottman and Cassie St. Onge @Caissie .Cassie had written jokes for Jay Leno, Rosie O'Donnell and Andy Cohen.  Cassie talked about how as long as you're punching up, there's enough humor to go around and how she keeps a notebook by her bed, for the times she believes she's figured out the secrets of the universe.  She's written for Joan Rivers and has had to embody Joan's voice.  She described how there were times when Joan might have said 'I said that, isn't that funny?' and Cassie would tell Joan, 'No I wrote that.' 
Cassie remarked about her time as a writer in the Writers Room and how she would be told by producers that two jokes would be added to the cue cards but then she'd find out a joke was thrown away and then ultimately ONE joke would make it to the Monologue.  Basically, telling writers not to be discouraged, because a lot of their jokes will be thrown away but a FEW might make it. And to relax "If you're creative, You're always going to have ideas."

This road trip to the Festival had been in the works for a while and I had been saving some money for the trip by driving LYFT.

Many LYFT customers have told me stories you would NEVER believe. One customer told me a story that would have got him arrested. Let’s just say he drove for another app company and took advantage of his position as a driver. Assault is real and I was more than happy to get the smuck out of my car when his ride had ended. But on the most part I've picked up some pretty decent passengers and had tons of fun!!!!! I’ll have to give you updates on my trip next week as I’m still roadtripping at the moment.

Please leave a comment below.




Watching:The Masked Singer and Crazy Ex-Girlfriend(Netflix)


Sunday: The Sunday Post

Up Coming:
Play Review


  1. Oh I can imagine that you come across all kinds of people. good and bad. Be careful out there.

    1. Yes, some real great stories that are all for the fodder as a writer.

  2. I bet you would hear some stories. Be safe. I hate to drive, so I'm always glad to hand the wheel over to someone who enjoys it. Plus, bonus, all the stories.

    Enjoy your week!

  3. I've never heard of Lyft! I don't think it's a thing over here yet... I imagine it's like Uber?

  4. Your road trip sounds fascinating, especially getting a chance to listen to Cassie.

  5. Yeesh! I think I was already too old when it all started - I haven't used Uber or Lyft or anything.... Course I've barely even left my house in the last year. LOL Glad your trips were interesting - I'm sure there are some great tie-ins for a writer as well. Write what you know, right? :)

    1. Totally Becki and thanks for stopping in. And at 4am! you outdid yourself.

