
Saturday, March 27, 2021

Sunday Post #amwriting #amjoy


 Missy Elliot

 Today's post will link up to The Sunday SalonThe Sunday Post and Stacking the Shelve, Reader Book Buzz  for weekly updates.


This week I started drinking turmeric tea as well as chai. I never drank loose leaf- I don't have a filter or specific tea pot.

I also listened to people talk about ZOOM bombers (people who drop into ZOOM calls uninvited) and how platforms like JTSU don't have waiting rooms or passwords unless you upgrade your account.

I also got on the topic of Dirty Dancing' and the Catskills and how a lot of Comedians got their start in the Catskills and used something called Borscht Belt humor which refers to the rapid-fire, self-deprecating style.

Upcoming Virtual Shows

"I Love To Eat"
April 15-June 27
by Commonweal Theatre
Season Passes On Sale!
Before Rachael Ray, Gordon Ramsay and even Julia Child, there was James Beard—America’s first TV chef and namesake of the coveted culinary prize. In this delicious one-man comedy, Beard welcomes us into his Greenwich Village kitchen where he cooks, gossips, sings, fights loneliness and reenacts some of the wilder moments from his ground-breaking 1946 television show.
Tickets at:
Or Call 800-657-7025

A series of Short Stories by Marie Cooney

#DenverFringe in June 2021 and #MNFringe in August 2021 ! Marie Cooney Stories presents “Pajama Stories”, a series of virtual stories by Marie Cooney! Story #2 is “Covid Comfort Food” honoring my maternal grandmother, Mary Finnegan, who immigrated from Cavan, Ireland 100 years ago!

A cook for the Newport,RI elite, she never used a recipe or measuring utensils! Thank God, my mother and I managed to figure a way to get her recipe some thirty years ago! While others were scrambling to find yeast without success, I was able to make 🌈 Irish ☘️ Soda 🇮🇪 Bread 🍞 because it didn’t need yeast! Log into the
Minnesota Fringe
and Denver Fringe for more information and access to shows! Thanks!

A dancing soul shows its graceful movements in all its activities.

           Hazrat Inayat Khan,  Sayings: Gayan, Vadan, Nirtan

That's my week.  Tell me about yours in the comments below.


I liked Vanishing Half once I took a closer look at it a year later. A virtual club was reading it and boy the dynamics in this family.  I loved that one of the characters was a bounty hunter. I think in a previous life I may have been a bounty hunter.

I have to admit that I loved this story: 'A Love letter to Whiskey'--very steamy and I loved the fact that it takes place in San Diego, my all time favorite vacation spot.(My brother was stationed in Camp Pendelton-so we often stayed there)


  1. I think I need to look into Borscht Belt humor, sounds like something I'd love.

    1. Totally Karen. I should look up Borscht Belt comedians this very minute.

  2. I wonder if people either like coffee or tea. Does anyone love both? I've always been a coffee drinker, but I've never gotten into tea. Is it too late?

    I Love to Eat sounds like a delightful show. I will see what else I can find out about it.

    Vanishing Half is certainly intriguing.

    Have a great week!

    1. You need to try tea, because you can see outrageous amounts of it throughout the day and not get jittery.

  3. Zoombombers....I've never heard of that before.

    1. Its a thing. some of them get real creative, with creepy -halloween-isk music. I read somewhere that people find the online world as a venue to do more anonymous crime and things in general that they wouldn't normally do, even the good turn bad.

  4. I met my husband in the Catskills many years ago :)

    Enjoy your books and have a great week!

    1. I loved hearing that you met your hubby at the Catskills. Its on my bucket list now.

  5. I'm not much of a tea drinker but I do enjoy chai. I read The Vanishing Half last month and thought it was pretty good too. Hope you have a nice week!

    1. I'm glad you got to read it. Book clubs really push me to read new material and help me think outside of the box. I'd say my ability to empathize is at an 8 of 10 thanks to reading.

  6. I was so impressed to hear you've been dancing for so long! That's most probably all part of your love for theatre. It's a bug hey, once it bit you, you can never let it go.

    Have a good week and safe travels!

    1. Its true Elza, I had someone ask me if I'd like to review more dance shows and I was like 'heck ya' and ever since I've been blown away but the talent in the Twin Cities.

