
Saturday, March 20, 2021

Sunday Pos #amwriting #amjoy



 Today's post will link up to The Sunday SalonThe Sunday Post and Stacking the Shelve, Reader Book Buzz  for weekly updates.


This week I talked to writers about their process.  I learned that Tom Wolfe used to get fully dressed everyday, and type at least ten triple spaced pages. Getting dressed made him feel professional.  He wrote to make money, and as writers its important to know you owe something to the work--its not just the other way around. 

Neil Gaiman's wrote: 'You plant seeds in the fertilizer but you have to have patience while it sprouts.  

This week I got my nails done and did some pampering. I tried to look into buying a new used car, and I worked a bit on our Youtube channel.

Pictures from my week

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The Lady with All the Answers - Streaming by Lakeshore Players

For decades, renowned advice columnist Ann Landers answered countless letters from lovelorn teens, confused couples and a multitude of others in need of advice. Late on a 1975 night in Landers’ Chicago apartment, an ironic twist of events confronts her with a looming deadline for a column dealing with a new kind of heartbreak: her own. 

MARCH 19TH-28TH, 2021

Disability Landscape talked with MSS, and Director of Arts Development, Lauren Hughes . MSS organization in Minnesota helps Disabled individuals with work.

Before you ask God for what you want,
          first thank God for what you have.

Babylonian Talmud, B'rachot 30b


That's my week.  Tell me about yours in the comments below.


Interested to see what this Thriller is all about.

Piper Malone gave a talk on her book last week and it was exciting to see an author on ZOOM give a talk on the writing process and marketing your brand.

I liked this book a lot, but it may not be for everyone. There's some eccentricity in the main character.  It takes place in Turkey and that's why I picked it up.  After reading 'Bastard of Istanbul' I wanted to read more Turkish authors, and noticed this author has a book award.


  1. I think it's fascinating that Tom Wolfe was able to type 10 pages a day. Although he wrote for a living and I certainly don't, I can't just force myself to write unless I have something to say. If I do, I end up deleting the work.

    1. Its true Karen, those commitments are tough. I can do up to 500 words but its like I have so many responsibilities. I guess I could just stay home and not work, but I still wonder if I'd be as committed.

  2. How interesting about Tom Wolfe. They often say if you work at home you should still get fully dressed. Like he said, it helps to feel more professional.

    I hope you have a great week!

    1. I find myself wearing the same thing once a week. Its rough:)

  3. Thirteen Stories has a great cover!
    I don’t have the discipline to be a writer, I’d rather stay in my pyjamas all day and read.

    Wishing you a great reading week

    1. Reading is a blast...I hope you a long and successful reading life Shelley.

  4. I am intrigued by the blurb you posted about Ann Landers. I think I'll look into it! Have a good week.

  5. My daughter got her nails done this week too. My next door neighbor actually did them for her which was nice. I type too much to have long nails. lol

    1. I loved having the nails, it provides a great distraction as well.

  6. Your books look good...and I am so envious of you getting your nails done! I hope I can get mine done soon, since we are allowed out with family or friends. If the salon is open, maybe I can get a mani-pedi. Thanks for sharing, and for visiting my blog.

    1. Totally do it if you get a chance. The best part was getting the lotion massage as well.

  7. Most successful authors write even when they don't feel like it. It seems like a great idea to dress up for writing. I know it also helps to tell people you are writing. It makes you accountable.

    I hope you are able to find a good new used car. I recommend Toyotas. My brother's Toyota has over 300,000 miles on it and it's still going strong.

    1. Yeah, I like toyotas as well, although I got a Camry a decade ago and i used to die in the rain.

  8. Happy Spring! It looks like you are getting things done.

    Anne - Books of My Heart

  9. I don't know a thing about Tom Wolfe so it's good to remember he is a man too, not just a name on the cover of The right stuff (which I devoured years ago). It seems like I've been spending almost a year in my pajamas. Enjoy your week :)

  10. Pretty nails are my weakness. Now that I'm done working in the kitchen, I've been painting my nails fresh each weekend :) Hopefully next weekend I'll makes some time for a Sunday Post. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Glad you go out of the Kitchen, although I used to love my old Kitchen job-such comradry, such fun!

