
Friday, January 22, 2021

Sunday Post #amwriting #amjoy


 via GIPHY

 Today's post will link up to The Sunday SalonThe Sunday Post and Stacking the Shelve, Reader Book Buzz  for weekly updates.


I recorded a video for YouTube and it turned out great. Our Disability Landscape channel interviewed executive director Sue Abderholden of Nami MN (National Alliance of Mental Illness)  and I was excited to see that Sue was also interviewed in the News. I included the interview below.

I drove for ride share this week.  I picked up a client who lived near an apartment I lived in around 2008 in South Minneapolis so that brought back memories. I had an UberPet ride with a doggy client that was comfortable in the car until its owner left.  A lot of discussions I had with individuals this week seemed to be about 2021 and any possible change.  

 I took part in a book discussion for Neil, Gaiman's 'American Gods' novel.  This was my first virtual book discussion with a group of people I was unfamiliar with.  Like many book clubs, a few of its members had not read the book.  I can admit that I was a few chapters in and so we talked a lot about the existentialism in the book.

My photos

My son at Mall of America.

                     Upcoming shows
Today is My Birthday (Mu, virtual) Musical Revue 

by SUSAN SOON HE STANTON, directed by LILY TUNG CRYSTAL February 6 - 21, 2021

Tickets at theatermu

Disability Landscape Minnesota

That's my week.  Tell me about yours in the comments below.



I started reading 'City of Thieves while I was sitting in the passenger seat while a friend was driving Doordash.  So while we were picking up food in Crystal and pizza aromas were filling the car it made me think of the plot a few times.
This 'Family Upstairs' novel is reminding me a lot of 'Blood Orange' somehow.
As good as my promise to self, I started reading another Neil Gaiman book.  I've read Terry Pratchett as well.  So I'm sure its going to be wonderful.

I'm loving this book a lot


  1. I'm glad you were satisfied with how your week went :) I see The push a lot, I'll be happy to read your review (no pressure !). I tried watching American gods the series, but I'm afraid I didn't finish the first episode. However, I love Neil Gaiman, so I'll probably read the book instead. Have a nice week-end :)

    1. I heard 'American Gods' is all over the place. A lot of people I know are watching 'Cobra Kai' which is kinda cheesy but may bring back memories of karate kid.

  2. I have never heard of UberPet, and now I'm intrigued. I'm also going to look into Blood Orange, looks like the kind of book I'd enjoy.

    1. Yes Karen, UberPet is a great feature. I have picked up many of a dog at a dog part almost as if it was the pet itself ordering the ride, lol. Its fun, I've met a lot of breeds.

  3. How interesting it must be driving people around and chatting with them. I always enjoyed my Uber rides, but nowadays, I am still locked down. Sigh.

    I loved The Push and The Family Upstairs.Blood Orange is on my list.

    Have a great week, and thanks for visiting my blog.

    1. Oh yes laurel. If you have the energy and momentum, you can talk with your passengers about anything and get them to open up. One of my customers was on his way to the eye doctor and when I told him I have a friend from Pakistan. He told me he's been to twenty-five countries. He said all he needs is an internet connection and he's good to go.

  4. Congrats with regards to the video!
    I’m about halfway through The Push which I’m enjoying

    Wishing you a great reading week

    1. Thanks. Making the videos is great fun. We talk to people and tell people's stories.

  5. An Uber driver job seems a lot like a bartender. It seems like you would learn a lot about people that way.

    Congratulations on your video!

    Good Omens is one of my favorite reads of all time. I've always wanted to reread it.

    Have a great week!

    1. Who are you telling, Deb. I never thought driving for Uber would be so much fun. I find myself looking out into the world and smiling because I get to do some pretty great stuff.

  6. Replies
    1. I think I read that wrong. lol
      But hope you have a great week.

  7. Uber Pets, that’s a new one on me!

    Have a lovely week!

  8. some great looking books, especially you let me in. love that cover
    sherry @ fundinmental

    1. Thanks Sherry. After putting down Samantha Herby's book, its funny how she declared she's getting endorsed as the funny animal lady because all of her book covers have animals on them. She also apologizes if children pick up her book on a whim.

  9. Wow. I'm surprised MOA is open. I don't go anywhere if I can avoid it. Hopefully, things will improve this year. Stay well!

    Anne - Books of My Heart

    1. MOA is open. People admit that its not as fun without the amusement park open and the whole center half but it is what it is.

  10. I haven’t been in a book club since middle school, but I guess they’re the same at any age. People don’t read the book! Have a great week!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. Its true AJ. we read books in those wee hours and then discussing them is like admitting what we read or half read.

  11. I imagine you meet some interesting people on your drives. It sounds like the virtual book club went well. I will be participating in my first one this coming weekend. I am sure it will be fun. I hope you enjoy your reading this week! Have a great week!

    1. yup, this week I picked up a few athletes and I'll probably talk about that as its basketball and football season and people are amped up.

  12. A virtual book club sounds like a fun idea. Looks like you've got some great reads in progress. I really enjoyed The Family Upstairs and City of Thieves.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I meant to write, you can NEVER forget a survival story no matter how hard you try.

  13. I saw PetUber and pretty much lost all concentration! I'm just picturing getting to drive around with happy dogs all day though I am sure it is neither that easy or that fun! And not all pets are happy with the car ride. It does sound like an adventure though. The book discussion sounds like fun and while I have read a few books by Gaiman though I've mostly stuck with his children's books. I've been wanting to read American Gods though. Hope you have a great week!

    1. Yes Katherine, some pets are not thrilled at all with the pet rides. I have had a passenger pour dog food in the car in order to appease the pet. Its real.

  14. Uber pets...too cute! Looks like you've got some good reading plan. I love the motivational youtube. Cleaning always makes me feel good.

  15. I don't think I'm going to finish my book club book in time for Thursday's meeting but we often have a person or two that haven't finished a book. I didn't know there wass such a thing as UberPet. Where do the doggy's go?

