
Saturday, January 16, 2021

Sunday Post #amwriting #amjoy


 Today's post will link up to The Sunday SalonThe Sunday Post and Stacking the Shelve, Reader Book Buzz  for weekly updates.


  Its been an interesting week.  A friend of mine got back from Pakistan and told me about their travels and gave me some gifts including some unique tasting chocolate and dried fruit and a sugar tin shaped like a snowman.  I had an hour long conversation with another friend about life in general.  It felt great. I love talking on the phone vs text. I was so adverse to texting when it started a while back and I'm still getting used to it being the norm.

A friend of mine, Mark Knutson, who is a comedian in a wheel chair told me how he submitted his taped audition to 'America's Got Talent'. He got this idea after one of the executive producers came to his comedy festival in Sioux Falls a while back.  I thought it was encouraging and a brave step.

                                    Photos from my week

From the highway into downtown, St Paul

Japanese Restaurant

Drove for DoorDash and it sent me out to a farm town in Hastings

Virtual shows

Missing Mississippi Moons

Inspired by his grandfather’s story, local actor/playwright Antonio Duke (Tears of Moons) embodies a mosaic of characters who struggle to find their power in the Jim Crow era. Framed by the epic flood of 1927 in Greenville, Mississippi, Edward Ash comes home to bury his father and finds himself at the intersection of grief, racial violence and hope. 

Written and performed by ANTONIO DUKE
directed by ELLEN FENSTER
presented in partnership with the Guthrie Theater

Wait Until Dark

By Frederick Knott. Adapted by Jeffrey Hatcher

Directed by: Larisa Netterlund

Presented by Lakeshore Players

tickets at

Great Quote "And now the question is what makes one lack peace? The answer is, love of sensation. A person who is always seeking to experience life in movement, in activity, in whatever form, wants more and more of that experience"

New on my YouTube channel

A talk with Jackson Larson about wheelchair sports

That's my week.  Tell me about yours in the comments below.



An online book club is reading this and I'm liking it a little more than Kate Quinn's, 'The Alice Network', although after reading this I may give that one a second chance.

Love Jan Karon's whole novel series.  One of my favorite was one that dealt with Father Tim visiting Ireland


  1. i'm just keeping on. hope your friend has good luck and you have a good week
    sherry @ fundinmental

    1. Thanks. Traveling can be fun and interesting. Its always great to receive a gift as well.

  2. Good selection of books for me to check out.

  3. I enjoy texting for the ease of quick messages, but there's nothing like hearing the voice of a loved one.

    1. Its true Karen. There is so much emotion in a person's voice and shared connections when its verbal.

  4. Sending good thoughts and wishes to your friend!

    The photos are lovely. I especially like the dark clouds.

    I haven't read Jan Karon in such a long time. Very comforting reads.

    1. Yes, lots of comfort reads. I've been trying to do book clubs so motivate myself to read and it helps.

  5. Love your giphy and your quote. True words that! I loved The Alice Network and I'm looking forward to reading The Huntress. The Mystery of Mrs Christie seems so enticing and I really want to read that one too.

    Have a good week!

    1. Thanks Elza, This website sends me emails daily and I try to meditate on all of the quotes. It opens your eyes and keeps you open minded.

  6. I am curious about The Mystery of Mrs. Christie.

    I am also a fan of talking on the phone...a lost art these days. Sigh.

    Thanks for sharing, and for visiting my blog.

  7. The only person I talk to on the phone is my brother.

    1. I have five brothers and only one enjoys talking to me on the phone, sighs.

  8. You always do such interesting things. I talked on the phone constantly for work so I don't talk on it much nowadays. Happy reading!

    Anne - Books of My Heart

  9. I am glad you were able to talk to your friends via phone. I confess I hate talking on the phone, and video chatting anymore. I am glad to see you are enjoying The Huntress. I want to read that one. I still need to read Alice Network was well. It's been years since I last read Jan Karon.

    I hope you have a great week!

    1. lol, I hear ya. There are a few individuals that I prefer texting lol and its great to have that option.

  10. You are the second person to mention DoorDash this week so I just had to Google to see what it is.
    Other than my mother, charity coldcallers and phone scammers it’s pretty rare that my phone rings these days.

    Wishing you a great reading week, I’d like to read The Huntress

    1. Funny shelley. Yeah, I've received four scam calls to my cell phone which I personally blocked, lol. Charity cold calling is a new one for me.

  11. Driving for DoorDash sounds like an adventure and it is sure to keep you busy these days! I'm not a big phone person but I have been enjoying it more lately with all the quarantining. Hope you have a great week!

    1. Yes, I'd recommend having a phone conversation during this time. Reaching out to someone and just talking about anything, anything at all, even if its something silly can help a lot.

  12. That’s lovely your friend brought you a gift, it just have been great hearing about their travels!

  13. Love all of your photos from the week. I'm glad to hear you're enjoying The Huntress too. I'm planning to read that one this year too.

    1. Thanks. The Japanese restaurant photos are my fav. (not only cause Tokyo buffet has the greatest PHo ever) but also because the fish are so beautiful and one is even in breed mode.

  14. I spent 45mn on the phone with my sister yesterday, we haven't seen each other in almost a year... The Agatha Christie book is interesting and I'm hoping everything turns out right for your friend. Enjoy your week !

    1. Yeah, I spent like an hour long talk with this friend and then we ended up texting each other later in the week as well.

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