
Saturday, November 21, 2020

Sunday Post #amwriting #amjoy


           LOOKING FORWARD TO NoVember

The Mind can be trained to relive itself on paper--Billy Collins

This week I talked to writers about MasterClass on YouTube. Malcolm Gladwell's class was recommended. Every year on Good Friday, you get a buy one get one free MasterClass. 

And if you have a subscription listen to as many as you want.

  I joined some writers on ZOOM for SHUT UP and WRITE!  

A member told me about the weather in New York and how treacherous it was.  One of the improvisers said "I had hailstones and thought, is this Manhattan?"  Texts messages were sent to New Yorkers that said: ‘Head down to the lower levels.' And then it listed all the boroughs getting hit by the storm. There’s nothing like looking at an all capped text that says 'HEAD to SHELTER'.
I also broke down and bought a Keurig.  I have had this ongoing habit of buying coffee from the shops and I've tried everything but I think this time I'll give it the good 90 day try.  So far I'm on my second cup and it still doesn't have the strength of espresso even though they its made with espresso beans.  Darn! And I can't go out and buy an espresso machine-that would cost me a fortune!  
I had the most fabulous week full of camera work and more camera work.  I was videoing for my team's YouTube channel.  I was also online for improvathon for like 15 minutes for HUGE Theater's annual show.  This was thirty-six hours of improv from ZOOM streaming to YouTube and it was like Christmas day seeing a lot of familiar faces from the safety of my home.   My favorite was Jill Bernard doing improv in a mask from her car.   

Shows I'm Excited about 


online event

A (Virtual) Christmas Vacation with The Griswolds: An Evening with Chevy Chase & Beverly D’Angelo on Saturday, Nov. 28 at 7 p.m. (CT).  Tickets at


I Feel Bad About my Neck by Nora Ephron

I had a reader suggest to me that I comment about some of the books I'm reading so I'll talk about this one because I adored it.  It doesn't read like a traditional memoir.  Its composed of several short chapters where Nora expounds on little things in her life.  Like there is a chapter called 'Me and JFK:Now it Can be Told.'  In this chapter she goes on about her work as an intern in the White House. She tells it all about how JFK was caught checking her out,but he made no moves on her.  She thinks that this has to do with the fact that he might have known she wasn't someone who wouldn't kiss and NOT tell. 

 It seems like there isn't a place where she hasn't worked. I liked this a lot because I'm a firm believer that one should keep plowing the work force until they find work that suits them.  The work is hilarious! And if you ever thought to dabble in journalism or editing-this book is for you! Nora also seems like a die hard feminist, and I had the confidence to comment on an article in the Medium that dealt with gender roles because of Nora Ephron's book. 

Here is one of our latest promos for our YouTUBE channel.  Unfortunately I''m not in this one but You can get a great idea of the behind the scenes of what it's like to work in our studio.  I say 'our' studio lightly because we don't own it but it feels like home.


  1. I just finished a poetry writing class on Zoom, and I'd love to take another. I think I will look for one.

    When we were in Paris back in February, we used a pot that goes on the stove to make our espresso each morning. It cannot be very expensive, but it does take more time.

    I think my book group is going to read I Feel Bad About My Neck in 2021. We can all use a little laughter. Thanks for sharing your thoughts about it.

    1. You will have to let me know what pot you used for espresso.I can’t say enough about that book and here’s one more thing.. Nora made a lot of remarks about getting older and keeping yourself looking good.

  2. I'm glad you are getting so much out of writing school\master class. I just don't have the time for that...During the December holidays,I would like to do a few short blogging and reviewing classes though. Can only help.

    Hope you will have a good week! Thanks for stopping by!

    1. I have noticed blog writing classes on how to write ✍️ a great book review on YouTube- there are always cheaper routes to learning when you’re pursuing knowledge.

  3. Looks like you had a busy week. I think it's great that you are part of writer's group. We have the Nespresso machine for making coffee and we love it. I also like the title of Nora's book. It's a catchy phrase.

    1. Writers group is great. There are some writers in those groups that really need to head up their own podcasts-that's how incredibly busy and interesting they are.

  4. You always are doing the most interesting things. I'm no help with coffee. I don't drink it. I've always liked the smell but not the taste. Happy Thanksgiving! Stay well.

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

    1. Thanks Anne. I take a lot of pride in being able to find things to do. When I was real young I used to take a bulletin and highlight all events of interest to me.


  5. I don’t drink coffee, never developed the taste for it but maybe you need to try another brand/type of beans to get a stronger result?

    I’ve read one of Nora’s other books but don’t remember being that enamoured with it, maybe I should try this one.

    Wishing you a great reading week

    1. Thanks Shelly for the tip. I even thought Ethopian cold brew..but we'll see..

  6. I love my coffee, I’ve got a pod machine, a kettle for my instant and a French press, I’m never satisfied with the result!

