
Saturday, November 14, 2020

Sunday Post #amwriting #amjoy

Today's post will link up to The Sunday SalonThe Sunday Post and Stacking the Shelves for weekly updates.



This week I worked on cleaning the house, getting rid of a few extra things and giving them to donation.  This included juice, laundry detergent, and a fish tank.  Its funny all the things you find around your house. People love to give me things it seems and I have to learn to say No Thank You.  But it does put a smile on my face to see so many generous people.

I also played some fun comedy games with comedians on  This involved finishing some fun one liners like this one:

  If only Darth Vader ⚔would have said this instead: "Luke I am your ____________ "
In this example I said, "Your mother's husband."

I also listened to 'Fall Line'  which is a is a true-crime podcast that digs deep into cold cases that have received little — if any — public attention. 
And 'By the Book' by Kristen and Jolenta. 
Lastly I enjoyed some Graphic novels by women writers and found them so enjoyable.

                       Pictures from my week

                        Shows I'm excited about

Written and performed by Guthrie B.F.A. alums Domino D’Lorion, Michael McKitt and Ian McCarthy
Click below to view a showing on November 16 at 7:30 p.m.  

                        The Empathy Project

By Stephanie Lein Walseth.  Make a reservation at   to watch both acts of the staged reading November 20–22, and consider a donation to Full Circle Theater when you register for free.

That was my week, please tell me about yours in the comments below.


Out of My Mind By Sharon Draper 


  1. I know what you mean about accumulating stuff. When we first bought this house I thought I'd never come close to filling all the storage spots, now they're all stuffed.

    1. I very much need a storage bin, if just to get rid of stuff, too small a place.

  2. I’m of the ‘have space will fill’ type :)
    Fall Line sounds interesting, I might prefer learning about cases that haven’t been rehashed dozens of times.
    You have a lot of books on your list, enjoy!

    Wishing you a great reading week

    1. It's true that some crime scenes are more famous than others and get too much undue attention.

  3. It seems I'm forever cleaning, decluttering and donating. Love that baby pic, so adorable!

    1. Thanks Laura. My son is becoming more and more fun by the day.

  4. You've got a lot of great books on your shelves. Can't wait to hear more about them.

    I enjoy By the Book a lot.

    Have a great week.

    1. Yes, I shall write a little bit about them. Thanks Deb.

  5. I agree, and always feel like I need to reorganize. I've been selling, throwing away or giving away stuff too to prepare for 2021. That's a cool list of books that you have there. Always great to get new book ideas. Hope you've been doing well! Hugs, RO

  6. This weekend I got started on doing some "fall cleaning" with my daughter's books, and plan to spend much of my vacation next week doing some deep cleaning, including get rid of stuff we no longer need/want. I am not sure where we will put it--I'm not sure who is accepting donations right now given the COVID situation, but I have to stop putting it off.

    I hope you are enjoying your reading! I really liked Persepolis and Fun Home. I recently read Anya's Ghost and liked that too.

    Have a great week and take care!

    1. It’s true that a lot of people are probably not accepting donations.

  7. The comedy games sound great fun, I listen the Hello from the Magic Tavern podcast, I think some of the guys on that work for Jackpot.

    1. I’ll look into magic Tavern podcast and if I remember I’ll post something about it on my blog

  8. We've been doing lots of purging around our house lately too. We have to fight the urge to save a million things we'll never use!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. I knew I think saving memories is the hardest things. I read about Marie mondo and how she says keep the things that make u happy. Well, that’s a lot of things most of which are inherited antiques.

  9. Oooh, Persepolis ! The film is good but so is the comic - her comics are very good in general, hope you enjoyed ;)

