
Sunday, August 4, 2019

Sunday Post

Pan's Peter Cast, photo courtesy of Trin Carl

Today's post will link up to The Sunday SalonThe Sunday Post and Stacking the Shelves for weekly updates.


Pan's Peter Cast, photo courtesy of Trin Carl

This week I went to see a play during the Fringe Festival. The festival takes place every summer, usually during the first two weeks in August. It is an eleven-day event, which features performing artists of many genres and disciplines.  Minnesota hosts one of many Fringe Festivals in North America. I went to see a Pan's Peter:A Parody.   It was put on by Minnsky theater. And boy was it funny!!!!!!
Actresses played both Peter Pan and Hook, and Tink was her usual unlevel-headed self.  Tink and Wendy got in some trouble-In order to be saved... Get this !-  Peter Pan was challenged by Hook to an 80's competitive dance off-this entailed: break dancing, the robot, MC hammer dance and moves like the cabbage patch.
Last year, I had planned to go to the Fringe after a friend of mind volunteered in at least 20 events, but when I showed up to Mixed Blood theater, the tickets were sold out!! I didn't realize that tickets sold so fast.  
This year I came prepared and brought with me five other individuals.  I came across a blogger who writes and reviews on fringe events; his site can be found at


Reading: The Babes in the Wood by Ruth Rendell

Listening: While the City Slept by Eli Sanders, Cover-Up by Michelle
Watching: The News (and praying)😐😓😐


Up Coming:
Wordless Wednesday


  1. That Fringe Festival sounds like fun. I know you'll take advantage of as much of it as you can. Can't wait to hear about what you see next.

  2. Pan’s Peter sounds fun!
    I hope you are enjoying Babes in the Wood.

    Wishing you a great reading week

    1. Thanks I'll try Shelley and let you know of even more books next week.

  3. I saw Fringe and automatically assumed Edinburgh's Fringe! That's in August too but it's the entire month of August. :)

  4. It sounds like you had a great time at the Fringe. It's new to me, so thanks for sharing a little about it.

    Cover-Up looks intriguing.

    I hope you have a great week!

  5. Your week sounds great. Enjoy the upcoming week, and thanks for sharing.

