
Saturday, August 3, 2019

#French writer, Isabelle Esling #amreading #fridayreads

With me today is author, Isabelle Esling.  Isabelle has spent the last decade as a music journalist. She has interviewed some of the best talents in the music business, including Proof of D12. In 2012, Isabelle released her first book, EMINEM and the Detroit Rap Scene: White Kid in a Black Music World; instantly becoming a National Bestseller.

And onto the interview...

Isabelle, what advice would you give to aspiring writers?

One becomes a writer by writing. Accept constructive criticism, learn from it, but ignore negative critics who just want to put you down. Every professional was once an amateur, so never give up. Write daily or as often as you can. Always work on perfecting your skills. Learn from other writers.

What is your favourite motivational phrase ?

Quitters never win. Winners never quit.

What is your favourite quote?
Don't worry, be happy 

What is your favourite movie and why?

I don't have a favorite movie. I am very picky about movies. Most of the time, I like movies based on real stories.

What advice would you give to your younger self?

Be more relaxed and be more focused.

Which famous person, living or dead would you like to meet and why?

I've already met the most wonderful person one would wish to meet, his name is Yeshua of Nazareth.

Last question, what have you published?

I am trilingual, and a very eclectic author of 11 books so far. I have published:

  •  a biographical essay about Eminem, 
  • a spiritual book entitled « Unwrap your Present », 
  • a Parisian novel «  Sous le Ciel de Paris »,
  •  My grandma's biography «  Liebe Oma »
  • , an essay about Richard Wagner 's relationship to France «
  •   Vom Frankophilen zum Frankophoben : die Einflüsse Frankreich auf Wagners Werk »
  • , a science-fiction book « le Voyageur du Temps », 
  • two love stories, one in French «  Mon Coeur bat pour toi, 
  • Sammy » and one in English, « the Muse », 
  • two spiritual books about our Messiah «  An Encounter with Yeshua » and « An Encounter with Yeshua, the Sequel ». 
  • There is also an e-book : «  7 Days in Israel, my journey to the Holy Land » that depicts my recent travel to Israel.

There is a 12th book to come soon :  Heart of a Savior.   A friend is currently reading it and will be working on the preface.

Thanks for joining me Isabelle.

Thanks for having me.

Readers, please comment below.

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