
Friday, August 30, 2019

Sunday Post #amwriting #kayaking #amjoy

Today's post will link up to The Sunday SalonThe Sunday Post and Stacking the Shelves for weekly updates.


After last week's improv, I decided to go ahead and sign up for another round of Improv for this Friday. Wish me luck. I decided to include a snippet from a story I'm working on. I hope you enjoy


It was a hot July day in Hudson, Wisconsin.

I had just left a comic con soiree and was feeling pretty damn brave in my Iron Man costume. I suggested that we get out on the Saint Croix. “I’ve got an inflatable,” I said.

“Doll?” My friend, Catnip, asked, looking at me sheepishly.

Little surprised Catnip, she knew me better than most and we enjoyed many adventures together. “No Catnip, an inflatable kayak,” I said.

I popped the trunk of my car, “Beep, Beep,” and proceeded to drag the yellow banana shaped kayak out to the lake. ‘Here, take this,” I said, showing Catnip the air pump.

“You know I’m already pretty pumped up.” She said, “And I don’t think Batman wants to go out on the lake.” She pointed at her costume.

“Fine,” I said, I’ll got out by myself.” I knew how to swim, at least I thought I did, there was that time I jumped in grandma’s pool without my water wings and came close to drowning, but alas I’d be able to do this.

I began chanting mantras to reassure myself “Ironman, you are a hero! You are red, you have fought mighty hard. You are goofy-Wait goofy won’t help in this situation. You are calm, a stable rock, and a great adversary. 
Great, I am READY!” I said.

“Just get in there Iron Man”, Catnip called, clawing at me as if she was a cat. I sighed and finished pumping up the kayak, before stooping down and kissing dry land. “It’s been real,” I said, and got in the kayak. As I began paddling out, heaving and hawing with each stride in the water, a massive yacht sailed past. “Hey young lady,” a man said loudly. 

“Ahoy there matey!” I called back, enjoying the friendly banter.

“Hook, Hook, he is the hook,” chanted a young man beside him.

“Looks like it’s time to walk the plank,” the man called before taking an anchor and throwing it into the kayak. “Pop! Sssssss,” and my kayak went sinking with me in it and I shouted, “You shall be avenged Hook,” raising my hand in despair.


Reading:The Secret Place by Tana French, Enchantment by Guy Kawaski, I Know how she Does It: How Successful Women Make the Most of their Time by Laura Vanderkam, The Power of Being Yourself by Joe Plumeri, Eleven Rings: The Soul of Success by Phil Jackson

Listening: Everything, Post Malone, including his single "Candy Paint"


Wordless Wednesday


  1. Wow it seems that you are one of these readers who can read multiple books at the same time! I am not one of them LOL

  2. Have fun at the Improv - you are so brave! Enjoy your books!

    Anne - Books of My Heart

  3. My daughter keeps wanting me to listen to Post Malone but I just can't get into his music. Good luck on the improv.

    1. Yes Post Malone is for the real young at heart-his style is real unique.

  4. That was fun, I don't think I've ever read any of your fiction before.
    Waiting to hear if your second improv experience is less stressful than the first. Enjoy!

  5. I had no idea you did comedy, and loved reading your work. I can't swim, so I could totally relate to being under the water with an oar.(lol) Hugs, RO

    1. Yes RO, I started comedy about five years ago when I went to a writers groups that had its writers, writing for 2-5 minute prompts and then reading their work out loud, and I realized that people thought I was funny. I do a good Dr. Phil impersonation.

  6. Improv sounds like a great time to me. I'd never do it, as I'm sure I'd completely freeze up and end up pulling out a children's picture book to fill in my time. That might not go over so well.

    I well remember the Phil Jackson book. What a fascinating book. My sons both loved b-ball, so I was always on the look out for books about ball.

    Have a lovely week!

    1. A children's picture book may inspire a scene, but I totally get it-it's not easy.

  7. I don't think I'd be able to handle doing improv! I hope it goes well!
    Your story made me smile.
    Have a good week.

    1. Improv is fun. It definitely takes you out of your comfort zone.

  8. The kayaking looks like fun...scary fun. LOL. Enjoy your week, with books and other adventures, and thanks for visiting my blog.

  9. Good luck with the improv performance!

    I really need to read more of Tana French.

    Have a great reading week

  10. Good Luck with your Improv performance! It's been really hot where I live too (Southern California). I've never been to comic con, but have always wanted to attend. It sounds like a lot of fun!

    Lindy@ A Bookish Escape

    1. Yes, I've never been to a comic con either Lindy. I guess it's like improv-where you go and then maybe you go again, and again until it becomes a part of your life.

