
Saturday, August 24, 2019

Sunday Post #amreading #amjoy @GhoulishDelight


Today, I have cast members of MORLS with me today.  They're here to discuss their radio show.  The cast recently did 'Frankenstein' for the 'Fringe'   The Festival is held in Minneapolis, Minnesota every summer, usually during the first two weeks in August.

Cast, how did you all learn about MORLS? 

Well - we created the Mysterious Old Radio Listening Society. 

So we first heard about it the day we made it up. It started as a podcast discussing old radio shows and expanded into to doing live re-creation performances of the show. The creators of the podcast and the show are myself, Tim Uren and Joshua Scrimshaw. We began about 3 years ago.

What other creative endeavors do you enjoy?

We are all actors, playwrights, and directors. We have been working in theater for close to 25 years. We have done many theater projects together and separately, MORLS is just one of many theater creations we have worked on together. We all run our own theater companies. Tim Uren's company is "Ghoulish Delights", Joshua Scrimshaw's companies are "English Scrimshaw Theatrical Novelties" and "Comedy Suitcase", Shanan Custer produces shows under "2 Sugars" and I have a company called "Pickaline Productions". MORLS is produced under "Ghoulish Delights".

Where did the ideas for the Frankenstein production come from? For example the use of bubble wrap or a squeaky chair.

I'll let Tim and Joshua answer the questions about Frankenstein inspiration as they were the writers of those scripts. As far as foley (Sound effects) are concerned, It's a process of discovering what things make what noise that can re-create what sounds we are looking for. The squeaky chair was discovered when I was sitting on it in a bar and asked to buy it because I loved the sound of it. We have used that chair in many shows. Bubble wrap has long been used by foley artists to re-create the sound of fire, that and light gels.


What are you currently working on?
So much. MORLS has a number of announcements coming up on where the show will be performing next. We have a number of meetings over the next week to sign contracts. We know that we are at Daleko Arts and the Bryant Lake Bowl Theater for sure in October. Many more performance dates will be announced soon. Shanan and Tim and Joshua have a lot of other shows they are producing, performing or directing coming up, but I'll let them answer.

Where can someone learn more about the Listening Society?


On a side note, I wanted to report that I went kayaking and went to an Iranian Film Festival in Minneapolis.  I rented a kayak at Wheel of Fun Rental.  They have these rentals at a lot of lakes in Minnesota.  Just bring some money and an I.D, and they saddle you up with a Kayak and a paddle.  And then you're off.  The water is your race course, and YOU are the navigator.  What did I do at the Iranian Film festival?  I listened to some fabulous music and ate some great food like: Chawal (mini sandwiches) and Amala (rice pudding kurd).  I socialized with guests and learned tons about the Persian community.  Albeit small, we do still have a community in Minnesota , but a lot of Persians tend to live in bigger cities like L.A. or New York.

Lastly, I did IMPROV in front of a live audience at Strike Theater in Minneapolis. It was my first time, it was awesome!  I was complimented for my voice.  I had tons of energy that night. In fact, I could have done cartwheels across the stage if I wanted to.
Where can you do improv in Minneapolis? Well, there's a page on facebook called Twin Cities Comedy Network that list opportunities and occasionally has sign-ups. 

Reading:The Secret Place by Tana French, Enchantment by Guy Kawaski, I Know how she Does It: How Successful Women Make the Most of their Time by Laura Vanderkam, The Power of Being Yourself by Joe Plumeri, Eleven Rings: The Soul of Success by Phil Jackson 

Listening: Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson


Up Coming:
Wordless Wednesday

Readers, please comment below.


  1. Interesting interview, love to see people make their own dreams into a reality. And congratulations on your first improv.

    1. Yes MORLS radio is definitely doing it BIG. As for myself, I'm taking it one step at a time with this improv.

  2. What a fun interview! I'm glad these folks are taking on this venture. I love old radio. There could be a place for it in our world.

    We have a huge Persian community in the Houston area. The climate seems perfect for people who have immigrated here from there. It's a rich culture.

    Have a lovely week!

    1. Thanks to know. I just learned about Old Radio and I'm loving it.

  3. Kayaking sounds fun, I've never done that. The food at the Iranian Film Festival sounds really good.

    1. Kayaking was good and I haven't even fallen out of the Kayak once....yet.

  4. Your kayaking adventure sounds good...probably not for me, though.

    Enjoy your week, and thanks for visiting my blog.

  5. It sounds like you had a fabulous week, congratulations on your improv performance.

    Have a great reading week

    1. Thanks Shelley, it feels like I jumped a few stages in my life, and I'm thrilled.

  6. I loved the lakes. I used to windsurf. Kayaking sounds great. You do all the fun things! Have a wonderful week!

    Anne - Books of My Heart

    1. I've never windsurfed. But it's totally on my bucket list.

  7. I am definitely going to have to check out MORLS! What they are doing is so intriguing and absolutely sounds like my cup of tea. Great interview!

  8. It sounds like you had such a fun week! I've never been Kayaking or to a Film Festival, but would love to do both. I went the Improv many years ago, and it was so fun! I hope you have a wonderful week! Happy Reading!

    Lindy@ A B bookish Escape

    1. Improv had been been great for so many reasons:interpersonal skills, confidence building, acting, etc. I'd recommend anyone to try it.

