
Monday, April 1, 2019

Happy Bastille Day

Today's post will link up to The Sunday Salon, The Sunday Post and Stacking the Shelves for weekly updates.


Happy Bastille Day!

This week I've been looking for a new job with some success.  I think I just need something new, you know what I mean?  But job searching can be scary when you've been in the same line of work for so long.  I've been looking on, but if you know of any other places let me know in the comments below.
My brother was supposed to come to visit from Wahpeton, and hang out but he couldn't come so I'm sort of bummed out about that.  We're really close since I spent a lot of time taking care of him as a kid.

Either way, I also went kayaking on Bde Maka Ska, and I didn't sink the kayak so that's pretty good. The lake's pavilion was recently damaged in a fire which was pretty sad to see.

While kayaking, I saw some pretty cool canoes and kayaks. One canoe I saw was made of plastic, which probably means it's a lot lighter in weight.  Another one I saw was foldable


Reading: The Banker's Wife by Cristina Alger,
Beautiful Boss by Christina Lauren, Fake Like me by Barbara Bourland, I'll Eat When I'm Dead by Barbara Bourland,The Night Moves by Jessica Hopper

Watching: Wine Country (Netflix)


Up Coming: Weekend Writing Warriors

Readers please comment below.



  1. Very cool looking kayaks, although that folding one doesn't look too sturdy.
    Wishing you luck in your job search, looking forward to hearing about what you end up doing.

    1. You're right, that kayak doesn't look sturdy. I've been searching everywhere for a Kayak that I can throw in my car, and I think next time I might just put a an inflatable inner tube, it would be a whole lot easier.

  2. Good luck on the job search...and I've been wanting to watch Wine Country.

    Thanks for sharing, and for visiting my blog.

    1. Yes Wine Country was pretty great, very beautiful settings in the movie.

  3. Good luck looking for a new job. My brother and I are really close too. We talk on the phone almost every day.

  4. I hope you are able to find a job that interests you, it’s a shame I can’t find anyone willing to pay me to read!

    Have a great reading week

    1. Wouldn't that be the dream job Shelly!-To get paid to read, you'd almost have to be an agent or something.

  5. oh how I love to get out on the water. I lived on St, Alban's Bay of Lake Minnetonka so we did all kinds of water sports. Good luck on the job hunt!

    Anne - Books of My Heart

  6. I love to go kayaking. I like the idea of a foldable one---it would certainly be easier to transport---but I'm not sure if I would feel confident to travel down a bayou with alligators in a foldable kayak.

    Fake Like Me sounds intriguing. Hope you like it!

    Good luck on the job search. I've always had the best luck when I have friends who tell me about good jobs. I've even found one job by going to the place I wanted to work and asking if they were hiring!

    1. That's a great idea. I'd like to maybe be a medical scribe or something similar. The idea of following a doctor around all day and hearing stories and recording medical info sounds fun.

  7. Thanks for sharing and stopping by my blog. I am a new follower of your blog. Hope your job hunting pays off soon and a foldable that's cool. :-)
    sherry @ fundinmental

    1. Thanks Sherry for stopping by. I hope to find something I love soon.

  8. Happy Bastille Day! Good Luck on the job search. I think it's great your stepping out of your comfort zone to find something you'll enjoy more :)

    Lindy@ A Bookish Escape

