
Saturday, March 2, 2019

Sunday Post #amreading #amjoy

Sunday Post @kimbacaffeinate #amreading #amjoy


The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted  @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things  received. Share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead. See rules here: Sunday Post Meme

           LOOKING FORWARD TO march

On Monday, I almost got my car towed.
 This was the third 'close call' in the month of February.  I do appreciate how fast St Paul gets its snow plows out, but two days after it’s snowed makes it tough to remember to move your car.  Thank god I had planned to take my little one out to an indoor playground because when I got outside I noticed the parking officials making their rounds.  
We typically get 52 inches of snow a year here.

Despite the snow, I  went to see a play at Offleash theater.  It was based on bullying in the school system and I hope to write a review.

On a side note, a friend of mine was on his way to Pakistan when his flight was cancelled from Boston and he was forced to stay overnight at the airport.  There's a conflict right now in Pakistan that has forced the airports to shut down last Thursday.
Finally, I went to Britts pub for a meetup for transplants to Minnesota.  I met one guy who works for Tesla under Elon Musk.  This was how the conversations played out.
Guys Gf: How did your chats go with everyone in the group?
Guy:Fine, but everyone seems only interested in my work at Telsa and Space Ex and their investment stocks.

Readers, if you have a crazy airline story, let me know in the comments below.


Reading: The Great Believers by Rebecca Makkai, Neanderthal Marries Human by Penny Reid, The Ones Who Got Away by Roni Loren

Listening: Oryx and Crake by Margaret Atwood

Friendship by Emily Gould

Watching: The news


Sunday: The Sunday Post

Up Coming:

Readers if you want to comment, please do so below.


  1. I was once traveling home from Marco Island with my boys who were about 4 and 5 years old. The first flight was so late that I waited in line and said to them "let me know if we'll make our second flight, I have 2 very little boys and don't want to be stuck somewhere overnight. If we won't make our second flight, I'll just stay here and reschedule." They promised me we'd make the second flight. Nope. Stuck overnight waiting in line at a hotel at 1am with 2 little kids and no luggage.
    And I still have a hard time talking about the time I was watching the route of my son's plane (he was coming home from college) on the airline's website when the plane disappeared from the graphic and his flight listed went from "in transit" to "interrupted".

  2. Omg, how scary to hear that your son's plane was listed as possibly 'interrupted' . Glad he was okay. I had another story that I'll never forget and that was helping my disabled mother get lifted into a plane. I'll never forget the man power it took for this task to happen.

  3. Those scary airline stories reinforce my fear of flying.

    Enjoy your week, and thanks for visiting my blog.

  4. I don't have any crazy airline stories because I've only flown twice in my life. I refuse to ever fly again with all the craziness I see about the airports and how they treat their passengers if there's a problem. I've heard too many horror stories of being stuck on airplanes for hours at a time with no air, no fresh water and no toilets. Nope, not ever flying again.

    1. I totally get that. I have a friend who's only flied once in her life as well. I'm not looking forward to the day when earth doesn't have enough space for everyone and we're all forced to get in planes to go anywhere.

  5. I’m glad your car wasn’t towed! I don’t have any crazy airline stories, but I did once spend the night at an airport in Wisconsin because of snow. Have a good week!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. I've yet to spend the night at the airport. Once I did see a group of Americans in Korea playing cards and speaking Korean. It was pretty awesome.

  6. My brother is a big Tesla fan. He has one. He writes articles for Clean Technica. He was on a conference call with Elon Musk last week. This is all a hobby; he has a job. I hope you will clear up the snow soon. I used to always get my Harley back from winter storage in mid-March. I'm so glad I can ride year-round here. Anne - Books of My Heart

    1. Omg that is so exciting! I've listened Elon Musk's biography and feel I know a few many details about him, but it's good to have for conversation starters.

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