
Saturday, February 16, 2019

Sunday Post And Stacking the Shelves #amreading #amjoy @kimbacaffeinate

Sunday Post @kimbacaffeinate #amreading #amjoy

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted  @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things  received. Share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead. See rules here: Sunday Post Meme


Happy late GALentine’s day! Today I'm doing the first combined blog hop, Stacking the Shelves and Sunday post and info. can be found above.

I had my Young adult play,Oh Brother, read at the Playwright center by actors. There's a little snippet from the playwright below. It was nice hearing different voices behind my work and I got a lot of feedback.   I wasn’t able to get out a lot because of the snow which was a bummer. I started reading this book called “A Window Opens” by Elisabeth Egan.  It’s about about this woman, whose husband is a lawyer and lost his job, and the wife has to become the bread winner.  She’s stalked on Twitter by a bookseller who wants her to sell ebooks instead of hard cover or paperbacks. So she goes back and forth about her morals and selling out to the big ebook traders.   I like this book, it doesn’t have the soulful, literary feel of other books I’ve read recently. Books like Touch, Neon in the Daylight, and The Answers, but it does have intrigue and I like  characters who are lawyers because their work seems so intense and continuous. I’m also reading a thriller called “An Anonymous Girl’ which has great potential.

I’m also in a race against time, with Google, to get all of my documents in a safe place before Google removes things ,Google plus (which I've already lost every single comment that I've received on my blog). I learned how to download my photos from the Take Out option, and then I saved them to a flash drive. I thought I could save a lot of the photos to Flikr, but no such luck.  I don’t have a lot of free space left on there, and will only be able to save 700 more photos on there. I’ve been syncing my photos from my android phone to google photos since 2008 when I got my first smart phone so I’ve got a lot of photos to save. If you guys have any idea or know anything that I don't know, shoot me a comment below.
I hope you guys have a great week and read some good books if you have time.
Tell me about the books you read in the comments below.


Reading:  Whistle in the Dark by Emma Healey, A Window Opens by Elisabeth Egan, The Argonauts by Maggie Nelson, An Anonymous Girl By Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkanen


Watching:The Masked Singer 


Sunday: The Sunday Post

Up Coming:
Interview with Writer
snippet from my playwright
Zion:Where were you?  You're late!
(Amelia shuffles behind Zion to the clubhouse. She holds up her hand in oath style before reaching a fence.)
AMELIA:I shall not let any of the words I hear today pass outside of our weekly meetings.
(Zion nods and opens a gate.  Amelia goes up the porch stairs and Zion follows. )
(Trish is seated at a table, her hands together in prayer fashion, her mouth twisted in a clownish grin)
(Amelia takes a seat and Melanie sits next to her)
Zion:(pounds his hand on the table to get everyone’s attention).  I call this meeting to order to address a new member of the Radtke home.
(Everyone nods)
TRISH:And who is this newest person?

(Trish looks at Zion.)

Readers if you want to comment, please do so below.


  1. I saw that googleplus is going but I think Keep is safe. I've received no notice of that being deleted and can't find anything about it online?

    1. I do think I saw something somewhere, but either way I'm going to backup all my data. You never know when there's going to be a data breach.

  2. Although I think that G+ is useless, I do have a lot of friends who have lost all the comments on their blog and I think that's so unfair. I hope Google Docs don't disappear or I'm in big trouble. I do have a file on my laptop that has all of my food pics from the blog and another that has all of my graphics from the blog so I at least have a backup if anything goes wrong (which I'm sure it will).

  3. I had a Google+ site, but thankfully, in hindsight, did little with it. I closed it...and then had to remove the icon from my social networking lineup on my blogs. Sigh. That was more work than I had expected.

    I never liked the commenting feature...but I'm sorry for those who had it and now have lost comments.

    I loved Whistle in the Dark and A Window Opens. I thought the latter seemed familiar, so, yes, on Goodreads I had reviewed it and loved it. LOL.

    I was about to buy it...until I realized.

    Enjoy your week, and here are MY WEEKLY UPDATES

  4. You were the first blog I thought about when I found out that Google Plus was going away. It's affecting a lot of blogs.

    I've been watching The Masked Singer too. Dang I love that show. My favorites are The Bee and The Peacock. I think the bee is Gladys Knight and the Peacock is Donny Osmond. Twitter seems to think so too.

  5. I'm not going to really be affected by Google Plus going away. It was mainly a way to follow and comment on other posts. I hope you find a new solution for your photos. And how exciting about your play!

    My Sunday Post

  6. I don't know how this will effect me. I am hoping that it wont really do much of anything. It really was just a way to get the word out about my posts.


