
Monday, April 10, 2017

H is for Hauling Books #AtoZChallenge via @trincarl

I'm Hauling some of my favorite audio books as Part of my #AtoZchallenge and my theme of anything Writer(ly)

A big part of being a writer is reading a lot of books.  And when you can't read, why not listen?!

Below you'll find some audio books I've been listening to along with their audio narrators.

I feel that an audio narrator alone will dictate whether I enjoy an audio book.  So I included some

of these narrator's other work for your further listening pleasure.

I also wrote an earlier blog posts on detective-like podcasts that are great to listen to.

1. End Of Watch by Stephen King.  

  I loved End of Watch, audio book. I was so taken by the plot and how the antagonist was able to use something as simple as a video game as a device to kill. One of the main characters, Hollie, is a very fun character and Hodges is also a great detective.  I came by this series because I kept seeing it all over book tube.  But because Stephen King's work is so long, I have to say I've never completed a full novel until I came across this Trilogy.  So If you are someone who loves movies like "It" or "Misery" and want to tackle one of King's work.   I would strongly suggest his audio books as an option.

Will Patton is a great Narrator of this trilogy.  Here's some of his other work 

Light of the World by James Lee Burke, The Laughing Monsters by Denis Johnson and many others.

***A clip of an interview with Will Patton to give you an indication of this narrator's voice.

2. Tricky Twenty-Two By Janet Evanovich

Tricky Twenty-Two By Janet Evanovich.  I've read almost every one of the Stephanie Plum series and have listened to them as well.  Janet Evanovich writing and tone is something that I admire.  I could pick out just one of her lines of dialogue for an audio book and use it as a prompt for my own writing.  

In Trick Twenty-Two there's lines like: “Screw you,” Ginny said, and she flicked her Big Gulp at me, slammed her door shut, and locked it.


“You’re not gonna look photogenic when you hit that bounce bag, what with your short skirt and all,” Lula yelled at Ginny. “You might want to rethink this.”

CJ Critt is my favorite narrator for all of Janet Evanovich's work.  The Plum Series generally uses one narrator for the duration of the audio book but different actors have been used for each of the novels.

***Here is a two minute audio excerpt from "Motor Mouth", an audio book by Janet Evanovich narrated by C.J. Critt to give you an idea of Critt's narration style.

Readers if you're interested in telling me about some fabulous audio books you've listened to, please list them in the comments below.


  1. I know audio books have been growing in popularity, but I still prefer reading to myself. The one time I listened to an audio book during a car trip, I found the narrator's voice and the background music distracting.

    H is for HAARP—Weather as a Weapon

    1. I totally get what your saying. I remember a time I was taking a 30 minute trip somewhere and I missed my exit because I was listening to an audio book.

  2. I'm a fan of Stephen King, but that is one book I have not read. I haven't graduated to audio books yet.

    1. Glad to see another Stephen King fan. You might not know this but one of Stephen King's books is based on a real crime event where a Woman stampedes a crowd at a job fair because she's in hot pursuit of her lover's new squeeze.

  3. Would love to read Tricky Twenty Two. I haven't yet got to audio books. I would love reading the book than listening to a narrator.

    1. I think one reason why I love audio books is that I'm a real dialogue person. In my own writing dialogue seems to be my strong suit.

  4. I haven't yet listened to any grown up books in audio, just a lot of middle grade books on family car trips. I really loved the audio book of The Tale of Desperaux by Kate DiCamillo. Not sure who did the narration, but he had tremendous vocal range.

    1. The Tale of Desperaux is read by Graeme Malcolm. As a writer I came by a site that features actor/esses who have given samples of their narration style in case anyone wants to use them for their next audio book.

  5. I just can't do audiobooks, I tune out and realize I've missed half a chapter! I much too daydreamy.

    A to Z Challenge: Hiccup

    Isa-Lee Wolf

    A Bit 2 Read

