
Saturday, March 9, 2024

Sunday Blog Post




This week I met with a friend at Dunn Bros to talk and play on my laptop.  Earlier this week, the squads were in my building and I took a picture in the elevator.  Supposedly there was a woman with a warrant on her record who was going around stabbing people with a knife. She was seeking shelter in my apartment and the police were not having it.

On Saturday, I went to writers/actors group to listen to artists read monologues.  

On Thursday I got into a discussion about Morocco and the city of Khouribga on the language app and when I got a closer look at some pics of the city on Google I came across the following photos.  The swimming pools look a little full to say the least.

I've been to Target several times this week to look for clothes and I only found one lucky cute athletic green skirt and I wondered why Target has so much bad fashion and

I got real silly and decided to ask ChatGPT why Target is selling clothes from Little House on the Prairie and this was the answer :

As of my last knowledge update in January 2022, I don't have specific information about Target selling clothing similar to "Little House on the Prairie." However, it's not uncommon for retailers to collaborate with or draw inspiration from popular cultural trends, including nostalgic or vintage themes.

Here is another article that gives me more details on Targets 1800's fashion dilemma.

That's my week. Tell me about yours in the comments below.



  1. Sounds like an interesting week! I love the ChatGPT answer! I keep meaning to do more with ChatGPT, and so I signed up for a continuing education class that I can get graduate credit towards my salary next year. Will be taking that this summer!
    Lisa Loves Literature

  2. It sounds like you had some scary times last week. It would frighten me just to see those officers in my neighborhood!

    ChatGPT can be a lot of fun!

  3. Yesterday I walked past an Anthropologie shop and noticed prairie-style dresses in the window. I remember making at least one of them in some distant past era when they were in style on a previous round of the fashion cycle. The Anthropologie ones incorporated not one or two but multiple small-flower prints and garbagey lace frills. There also seems to be a revival of both skinny and very wide jeans. Note; I wear the same clothes for decades, but not that.

    best, mae at

