
Sunday, January 28, 2024

Sunday Post




 This week I had Thursday off and went to Target and got some things like ear buds and markers for my son.  He loves to color these Roblox characters and to make squishies out of them with construction paper. I loved having the day off because I got seven hours of sleep which is something I haven't felt in months.  They actually say that Minnesotans in general are less stressed because of the amount of sleep we get(And that we have corporate jobs here) but I still question that theory.

My son at the Coffee shop

Earlier in the week, I did improv with Oozebear and we did a lot of scenes about Rick and Morty while the main characters were stoners.

It's been warmer here with temps in the 30's.  I've been calculating in celsius on TANDEM, the language learning app.  It's been interesting to hear people around the world comment on how cold or warm it's been. Of course Canadians  say it's quite cold there, followed by Petersburg, Russia and Moscow.

On Saturday, I met some writers at a library and we migrated to a coffee shop and talked shop. I took my son with me, which was a big thrill. It's often quite hard to take him to some of my hobbies and interests like writers groups and improv activities because sometimes they don't allow kids but I LOVE, LOVE Love tagging him around with me all day.  

One of the writers in the group is visually impaired and he talked about how he translates manuscripts for schools.  His biggest laughable moment was when he was listening to a podcast and a visual-abled person said, "Wow, there was a blind woman at the library." 

"Yes, there's always been blind people at libraries."

"Yes, but she was reading those bumpy papers."

"Yes, blind people have always always read braille."

He said he doesn't like it when people on the bus often grab him but the waist to direct him.

Lastly, I took my son to the Eagles Nest to burn off some energy and run around with other kids. 
I tried exercise myself while there by walking up and down the hallways and reading books.


In Rapt, acclaimed behavioral science writer Winifred Gallagher makes the radical argument that the quality of your life largely depends on what you choose to pay attention to and how you choose to do it. Gallagher grapples with provocative questions—Can we train our focus? What’s different about the way creative people pay attention? Why do we often zero in on the wrong factors when making big decisions, like where to move?—driving us to reconsider what we think we know about attention.

I spoke about Maqluba which is a Palestinian dish 
Seasoned rice, baked vegetables like cauliflower, potatoes, eggplant, and tender pieces of lamb.


  1. I think it is definitely true about happiness and what we choose to think about. I need to try to just think about the good things about my job and stop thinking so much about the bad things. Maybe that will make my last 4 years till I can retire feel easier? Who knows. Sounds like you had a good week. Here's to this one being good as well!

  2. Rapt sounds like a book I should look for. I'm always interested in books about happiness.

    Glad you got a good rest!

