
Sunday, December 10, 2023

Sunday Blog post




This week I met with a friend at her office to watch movies and hang out. 
We saw "Leave the World Behind." 
I loved this movie a lot and the themes in it surrounding the idea of an apocalypse.

It's been a slow week. I went to Writer's group and wrote a few stories about language learning while drinking espresso and laughing at other writer's stories.

 Last night it snowed while I was leaving from a friends house.

I forgot... I also met a YouTuber while driving for UBER, and supposively he pulls pranks on people (especially women). It was interesting to talk with him because he wasn't as extroverted as he comes off in his videos in some ways, and it took several questions to figure out what "Kind" of pranks he does, including approaching women in cars and asking them questions about whether they are golddiggers.

 and I included a video of his channel

Here is my Grateful list.
Grateful for meeting so many people on the language app.
For friends who pack me rice to go
for friends who reach out.
Grateful for taking risks in my writing

That's my week. Tell me about yours in the comments below.



This gender-swapped When Harry Met Sally retelling is for anyone who craves romance novels with realistic and flawed characters. Ari and Josh circle each other for years in the kind of delicious, slow-burn tension that only comes from a well-executed enemies-to-friends-to-lovers arc

"You Again" by Kate Goldbeck. I loved this book because the MC is an improviser and comedian!!! I have never seen a romance book with a character whose job is in comedy.  I liked that the book started with the character's rocky past and how the love birds were friends at first who worked in New York.  Each of them would text back and forth while negotiating their new romantic lives. It's so cute! and I think it got turned into a movie! 

Here is another book whose character works in comedy.
Funny Feelings by Tarah Dewitt


  1. Like you, I had a slow week. Interestingly some people are overwhelmed with things to do and people to see, some in a slump. Your week actually sounds busier than mine was.
    best, mae at

  2. The movie sounds interesting. I'll have to check it out. You, Again sounds really good too. I'll look for it. Hope you have a great week!

  3. I like a slow week after being out-of-town for so many weeks this fall.

    Leave the World Behind sounds very good.

    1. yes, whenever I return from out of town I'm reminded that life doesn't have to be so fast paced.

  4. Leave the World Behind looks good! I need to see that. I also think Funny Feelings sounds like a good book. I hope you have a good week coming up!

