
Sunday, March 26, 2023

Sunday Post





This week I've been on an exercise binge; three days this week I've made it to the gym (two times a day).  
On Saturday I took a Zumba class and the teacher was so engaging, she'd dance with us one-on-one, and she had us do a dance battle by separating the class into two and we taunted one another by doing dance moves, fun!!!

On Saturday I did  improv, 

We played an improv game called Three Things and my topic was: Three Things we'd find at a Walmart
And I said,
1.fruit sampler 
2.pickup artist, person.
I said pickup artist because I didn't want to say thief. I recently learned that a Walmart near my home will be closing due to the fact that it's not making any profit. 

In improv, we also talked about how there's fewer third places for people to hang out; places like malls, libraries, and shelters.

Lastly, I bought my son this new electric motorcycle so he's been having fun riding around the neighborhood.

psychological facts
  1. The more you hug your children, the happier they will be as adult.
  2. If a speaker actively seeks out eye contact when talking, he or she is judged to be more believable, confident and competent.
  3. Eye contact is so powerful a force because it is connected with humans.
  4. And ya making eye contact for too long is bad.
  5. If a person is starting off to the left, it's usually a sign that they are trying to recall something according to psychology. A look to the right usually means there are some creative juices at work. Not always in a good way . Some say looking to the right can be an indicator that someone is trying to make up a story. If a person is left-handed the directions will be reversed.





  1. I have heard about the way eyes go means truth or lying, and I wonder if I do that! Now I almost close my eyes when I'm telling any kind of story because I don't know! lol I need to exercise. I also need to just give in and sell the exercise bike I bought a year ago but haven't used yet because the seat adjuster thing doesn't work. It is sad about malls. I miss indoor malls. Like at Christmas time I want to be able to walk around inside, not have to drive from place to place, but that's me! Hope you have a good week. Thanks for visiting me earlier!

    1. I love the malls and stuff and remember walking around them a lot, and especially love the malls for their indoor carosals.

  2. I tried to remember to hug my children as much as I could. They do seem to be pretty happy adults.

    Your Zumba class sounds like fun. I enjoy mine so much!

    1. Yes, the zumba class was great. I made a note of that instructor so I could go again. I love that I can pick and choose which Y to go to, so that if one isn't having a class at a time I need to go, I can go to another.

  3. I always hugged my daughter, I still do.
    The psychology facts are interesting.

    1. Thanks Mary. My son is still young enough that we can sleep and snuggle together, fantastic memories.

